FHSU students address hunger issues, food system strategies
03/10/16 lds
HAYS, Kan. -- Several Fort Hays State University students went to the University of Missouri-Columbia recently for the 11th annual summit of the Universities Fighting World Hunger alliance, titled: "From Poverty to Promise."
The Deaton Institute of the University of Missouri hosted. Participants included representatives from food banks, high school and university students, anti-hunger advocates, intriguing speakers, and food justice activists from across North America, as well as the rest of the world.
Brendon McCampbell, Hays graduate student, and his brother Luke, Hays senior, presented a poster titled "Improving Tiger Health Through Nutritional Opportunities at Fort Hays State University." Both are part of FHSU's Food and Hunger Initiatives group. Their poster portrayed the efforts at FHSU to create the food pantry called the Tiger Food Exchange as well as a campus garden.
Elizabeth Sigvaldson, Baldwin City senior, and Jaylen Adams, Englewood, Colo., sophomore, members of FHSU's Global Leadership Project, also attended. Directing the students was Dr. Jean Gleichsner, College of Health and Life Sciences.
Partial funding for the projects was provided by a Healthy Living grant from the Kansas Health Foundation. That grant and the Center for Leadership Studies at FHSU funded the trip.