FHSU librarians article published in Educause Review
HAYS, Kan. – Claire Nickerson, learning initiatives and open educational resources librarian in Forsyth Library at Fort Hays State University, recently published an article in Educause Review.
Educause Review is an open-access digital and bimonthly print flagship publication for the higher education information technology community.
“Using Grant Funding to Promote Open Textbooks” describes the creation, development and successful implementation of a unique grant program. Administered through Forsyth, the program encourages FHSU faculty to create or adapt open resource textbooks.
Open educational resources are course materials that are available for free under an open license. The article includes an overview of the OER movement, the benefits and cost-savings to students and advice to others interested in creating a similar program.
The article can be found at https://er.educause.edu under Articles.