FHSU graduate students to present research at the Capitol
HAYS, Kan. – Five graduate students from Fort Hays State University will present research to legislators and the public at the annual Capitol Graduate Research Summit on Tuesday, Feb. 20, in Topeka.
The summit provides an opportunity for selected graduate students to illustrate the quality of graduate research performed in the state of Kansas.
“The annual Capitol Graduate Research Summit is a unique opportunity for state legislators and guests visiting the Capitol to learn about the quality scholarly activities FHSU graduate students and faculty mentors are undertaking,” said Dr. Jennifer Bonds-Raacke, dean of the Graduate School and Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects. “Each FHSU presenter understands how their research findings have important implications for the citizens of Kansas, as well as their disciplines.”
Students representing FHSU are:
Callea Breiner, Alma, with Dr. Colleen Paramesh and Dr. Valerie Yu, assistant professors of nursing: “Quality of Life and Self-Efficacy in Ostomy Patients in a Local Support Group.”
Arianne Fisher, Plainville, with Dr. Trey Hill, interim chair and assistant professor of the Department of Psychology: “How Psychology Affects Attitudes Toward Others.”
Kaitlyn Gauvey, Prosper, Texas, with Dr. Jonathan Sumrall, assistant professor of geosciences: “Stratigraphic Framework of Silicification in the Middle Silurian Carbonates of the St. Ignace District of the Hiawatha national Forest, Upper Peninsula of Michigan.”
Cyrus Green, Hays, with Dr. Laura Wilson, curator of paleontology collections at the FHSU Sternberg Museum of Natural History: “Long Bone Histology in an Ontogenetic Series of Clidastes (Squamata: Mosasaurinae).”
Kyle Schumacher, Victoria, with Dr. Mitchell Greer, assistant professor of biological sciences: “Multi-season Occupancy Modeling and Development of Long-term Avian Monitoring Protocols at Quivira National Wildlife Refuge.”