Hays youth orchestra to begin season

HAYS, Kan. – The Hays Youth Orchestra’s fall season will start up at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 7, in Fort Hays State University’s Malloy Hall for an orientation meeting.
All students between sixth and eighth grade who play the violin, viola, cello or bass are welcome to attend.
Younger students are also welcome to participate with the approval of the director. Older students are invited to participate as assistants and mentors.
Shawn Demuth will serve as this year’s conductor. He is a graduate of the FHSU Department of Music. He plays the violin and piano, composes music and teaches music at USD 388 in Ellis.
“We’re looking at doing fun but challenging music,” said Demuth. “My goal is to bring young musicians together to help build relationships and to increase their passion for music.”
Rehearsals are on Saturday mornings starting in September, with performances scheduled for December and May.
Students interested in playing are should contact Demuth at sdemuth@usd388.com for an application form or additional details.
The Hays Youth Orchestra Program is supported in part by the Hays Symphony Guild, which believes that nurturing the joy of musical performance in today’s youth is critical to developing strong and skilled performers for tomorrow.