FHSU launches enhanced scholarship program

HAYS, Kan. – College-bound students will soon have another great reason to choose Fort Hays State University. Already the most affordable university in the region, the university will offer, effective Oct. 15, 2019, four new scholarships with award levels ranging from $15,000 to $6,000 over four-years, or $3,750 to $1,500 yearly. Some of these awards can also be combined with other awards.
The revised undergraduate scholarship program is one of the first initiatives to come from the university’s strategic enrollment planning process. According to Dr. Joey Linn, vice president for student affairs, “This program will provide more opportunities for students to be rewarded for their hard work in the classroom. Combining this with our affordable tuition will help students achieve their dreams of a college degree.”
Launching a revamped scholarship program on Oct. 15 is unusual. Dr. Dennis King, associate vice president, student affairs and enrollment management explained the reason for the timing “Why are we launching this now? Our research shows that this program will positively impact more incoming on-campus freshmen and transfer students. While it would be easier to launch this program over the summer, doing the right things for students is what we do at FHSU.”
Utilizing an easy to navigate scholarship matrix built around ACT/SAT scores and high school grade-point average ranges, high school prospective students will be able to determine immediately the amount of the scholarship award that awaits them.
Scholarships awarded under the revised scholarship program can also be fully renewable, provided students meet renewal criteria. These scholarships are not need-based, and there will be no built-in award amount reduction for students who secure additional financial awards from other sources.
According to Jon Armstrong, director of admissions, “The university recognizes that not everyone is a great test-taker. We value high school GPAs as an excellent indicator of how students apply themselves in school, and we want students who are willing to work to be successful.”
Armstrong went on to say, “We’re already known as the most transfer-friendly university in the region. The steps we have taken to revise the program further reinforces our commitment to transfer students.”
Fort Hays State’s enhanced scholarship program will include three levels of transfer scholarship awards. These awards are based on the student’s GPA and the completion of at least 30 credit hours. The scholarships will range from $1,500 to $500.
To find out more information, please visit www.fhsu.edu/admissions or call 785-628-5666.