Sponsor of Art Slam’s host organization gives high marks to Art Slam fundraiser

HAYS, Kan. – Art Slam, a community event featuring art in support of social issues hosted by a Department of Art student organization, Arts for Social Change, was rated a rousing success by the organization’s sponsor.
“Art Slam was a huge success,” said Amy Schmierbach, professor of art at Fort Hays State University. “The students were so excited to raise money for victims of human trafficking and domestic violence.” Schmierbach is the faculty sponsor for Arts for Social Change.
“Our food sold out, art and caricatures were made, and lots of karaoke was sung, but best of all, the Hays community came together for a good cause,” said Shai Christianson Stroh, Holdrege, Neb., senior and an Arts for Social Change member. “The people involved worked really hard to make sure everyone had fun and felt included! It was exciting to have such a big turnout for the Art Slam.”
Half of the proceeds will go to the social program developed by Dr. Ziwei Qi, assistant professor of criminal justice, and Dr. Hsin-Yen Yang, associate professor of communication studies.
“Art for Social Change is such a wonderful organization. It uses aesthetic and emotional powers to engage the community members and raise awareness of important social issues,” said Yang.
“Dr. Ziwei Qi and I launched our project to create a social enterprise to provide economic independence to domestic violence and human trafficking survivors last year,” she continued. “We look forward to seeing more events like Art Slam on campus and in our community!”
The primary goal of Arts for Social change, a new university-wide organization, is to collaborate with members of the university and community to promote positive change, growth, and awareness through the arts, said Schmierbach.
Campus or community organizations that would like to participate in future collaborations with Arts for Social Change should contact the organization president, Madelyn Artman, Whtewater junior, at mrartman@mail.fhsu.edu, or Schmierbach, at ajschmierbach@fhsu.edu.