FHSU to offer course on educating through crisis
HAYS, Kan. – Fort Hays State University’s College of Education is introducing a new course option for school personnel. The course, Education Institute: Teaching and Leading through Crisis, was designed for school administrators and teachers to help understand and develop skills to lead in this new world we live in.
Paul Adams, dean of the College of Education and Anschutz Professor of Education and Professor of Physics, said the institute is a direct response of the College of Education’s mission of serving schools and providing timely learning as part of the Tiger Teacher Nation. Teaching and Leading Through Crisis begins virtually June 29.
“We recognized that we are undergoing an unprecedented time in our history,” said Scott Gregory, director of field experience for the College of Education. “We wanted to offer a class that was responsive to district needs, as well as provide teachers and administrators with up-to-date information as they plan for the fall semester.”
The class, which will be taught by Gregory, will focus on teaching and learning during crisis, and students can expect a hands-on learning experience even though the class is online.
“Students will learn about the crisis life cycle, as well as the effects of crisis on learners and leaders,” Gregory said. “A third objective will be for them to create a portfolio ‘response’ plan to take back to their district or classroom with ready-made strategies. “
Gregory said that students will select a crisis of their choosing and proceed to work on a plan. He will facilitate incorporation of new knowledge as it relates to COVID-19 and other current events. Students will have opportunities to hear from the Kansas Department of Education and other representatives via Zoom, who will be sharing information that will be released soon.