FHSU’s next Science Café set for October 24

By FHSU University Communications
HAYS, Kan. – Fort Hays State University’s Science Café for this month is set for Monday, October 24.
This month’s presentation, entitled “Dive into Hell’s Aquarium: Uncovering marine ecosystems during the Age of Dinosaurs,” is sponsored by FHSU’s Science and Mathematics Education Institute (SMEI). It’s a world of big predators with big teeth, you better grow up fast or get the heck out of Dodge! The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. at The Venue in Thirsty’s Brew Pub & Grill, 2704 Vine.
Dr. Laura Wilson, Professor of Geosciences, Graduate Program Coordinator, and Chief Curator of Paleontology at the Sternberg Museum, will discuss the latest research findings about life in the age of the dinosaur.
Science Café presentations are free and open to the public. Questions can be directed to Cari Rohleder at cbrohleder@fhsu.edu or 785-628-4743 or by visiting: