Fort Hays State University releases spring 2023 Dean’s Honor Roll

By FHSU University Communications
HAYS, Kan. – A total of 1,620 students earned places on the Dean’s Honor Roll at Fort Hays State University for the spring 2023 semester.
The Dean’s Honor Roll includes undergraduate students only. To be eligible, students must have completed 12 or more credit hours and earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.60 for the semester. Full-time on-campus and FHSU Online students are eligible.
Students are listed alphabetically within the headings of College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, College of Education, College of Health & Behavioral Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies/Exploratory, Robbins College of Business & Entrepreneurship, Werth College of Science, Technology & Mathematics, and KAMS/AMS. This list does not include the 29 students who requested privacy.
The Dean’s Honor Roll can be viewed at