FHSU’s next Science Café Monday March 10

By FHSU University Communications
HAYS, Kan. – Fort Hays State University’s next Science Café is set for Monday, March 10.
“Buffalo Commons Revisited: Change on the Great Plains,” presentation is sponsored by FHSU’s Science and Mathematics Education Institute (SMEI) and will begin at 7 p.m. at The Venue in Thirsty’s Brew Pub & Grill, 2704 Vine.
This month’s presentation by Dr. Rob Channell, FHSU Professor of Biological Sciences, will examine how declines in the population of the Great Plains and changes in agriculture offer challenges and opportunities.
Science Café presentations are free and open to the public. Questions can be directed to Cari Rohleder at cbrohleder@fhsu.edu or 785-628-4743 or by visiting: