Goal 1: Academic Excellence
Foster evidence-based best practices in teaching and learning supported by scholarly activities and professional development
Jeff Briggs and Brad Will
Strategy 1.1: Promote a culture that values faculty commitment to assessment
- Survey to assess campus attitudes and culture relative to assessment completed in Fall 2021
- Assess data and establish action steps for FY23 (Spring 2022)
Strategy 1.2: Provide robust assessment management technology solutions to streamline data collection and reporting procedures
- Initial training and deployment of AEFIS assessment platform complete
- Implementation within academic units is continuing
- Standardized reporting date for all academic programs to submit program learning outcome reports moved from March to November
Strategy 1.3: Provide and support pertinent, effective, efficient, and engaging professional development opportunities
- Centralized Faculty development opportunities, primarily offered through TILT, have engaged faculty at rates that exceed goals
- Distributed faculty development activities have not met goals, with the primary impact being travel disruptions due to the pandemic
- Faculty Research Experience (FRE) Project
- Faculty Research Grant awards in FY21 have continued into FY22
- Annual assessment reports will be due in May 2022
Goal 2: Student Success
Create opportunities for all students and empower them to identify, evaluate and achieve their goals while becoming engaged global citizens
Taylor Kriley and Andrew Feldstein
Strategy 2.1: Review options to improve advising and prepare advising proposal based on data and best practices
- All new incoming Fall 2022 students are being assigned to professional advisors
Strategy 2.2: Improve the Early Alert/Predictive Analytics System and Provide Student Success Dashboards to All Faculty and Staff
- Initial implementation of Blackboard Learning Analytics for students and advisors planned for Fall 2022.
Strategy 2.5: Increase the number of students participating in internships
- Strategy 2.5: Currently on target to have a tracking system in place by May 2022 to identify academic credit bearing internship opportunities, number of student enrollees, and credit hours earned in internship courses.
Strategy 2.6: Imagine, Research, And Recommend Next Steps in The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Technology to Improve Student Learning
- Tiger-2-Tiger online student community adoption continues to grow with over 1000 student participants and plans to expand activities and resources.
Strategy 2.7: Focus on learning outcomes, including high-impact practices in all courses, and developing classes that focus on student interaction and engagement
- Strategy 2.7: Collaborative learning strategies and resources are being created to facilitate integration of collaborative activities in course design and delivery.
Dennis King and Joey Linn
- Mid-year totals are 58% of enrollment goal and 32% of costs
- Growth in Social Work programs
- Exceeding enrollment growth goals for the Master of Science in Counseling and Clinical Psychology
- Growth and success of FHSU Shooting Sports
Goal 4: Resources and Infrastructure
Maintain and improve infrastructure and resources to keep pace with growth
Mike Barnett and Dana Cunningham
Strategy 4.1: Increase revenue by 5% annually from existing and new revenue sources.
- not being met due to credit hour declines during AY 2022.
Strategy 4.2: Complete a review and revision of the master plan with input from all involved participants
- FHSU has received a draft of the final physical Master Plan document.
- FHSU is currently working with BlackBoard in the development of a Digital Master Plan.
Strategy 4.3: On a yearly basis, identify resource allocations for the rehabilitation of university facilities
- At this time, 50% of the identified R&R projects for FY22 are now complete.
- All projects are on schedule to complete in the current fiscal year
Strategic Plan Strategy 4.4: Review and update business continuity/contingency plan with necessary information and processes for FHSU to continue critical operations during an unplanned event
- Continuity of operations planning (COOP) process complete.
Goal 5: Community and Global Engagement
Cultivate impactful partnerships internally, locally, nationally, and globally
Donnette Noble and Janet Stramel
Strategy 5.3: Inventory FHSU’s current civic learning and engagement activities and evaluate for alignment for Carnegie Community Engagement classification
- Completed environmental scans for years one and two; year three is in progress
- Currently updating mechanisms for reporting on community engaged teaching, research, and service
- The framework and application have been released for the Carnegie Foundation’s Community Engagement elective classification and the implementation team is strategizing to complete the process (due spring 2023)