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Kale Link

Kale Link Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Geosciences

About Kale

Year: Sophomore
Major: Geology and Biology (with a focus on Paleontology and a writing certificate)
Hometown: Williamsburg, KS
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Laura E. Wilson, Dr. Todd Moore
Research Recognition: 2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar

Learn more about the Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award

Describe Your Research

Last year, I participated in research that involved assessing science communication (SciComm) skills at Fort Hays, including what skills students were learning and where they were receiving their training from. The project culminated in our team running a professional development workshop to provide SciComm training. This year, I have also been working on a grant-funded project at the Sternberg Museum that involves assessing the needs of fossils from the Minium Quarry and working to stabilize them.

What was it like sharing your research?

I had the opportunity to present a poster for the SciComm project at SACAD. I greatly enjoyed being able to answer questions about the research, especially because SciComm is not often talked about and requires a lot more research.

What are your future career goals?

It is my goal to perform field work and public outreach as a vertebrate paleontologist. Working on the SciComm project opened my eyes to SciComm and how important it is. I hope to incorporate good science communication into my job one day. Additionally, I hope to continue writing books that have strong science communication themes.

Why should other students get involved in research?

Fort Hays faculty take the time to get to know their students and help guide them in ways other institutions do not. I think that lowers the barrier for entry into research for students here, providing them with opportunities they would not otherwise have. It is a great way to familiarize yourself with the research process before pursuing other research down the line.