Megan Shepard

About Megan
Year: Senior
Major: Sociology (Minor: Criminal Justice; Certificates: Grant Writing and Program Evaluation and Building a Career in a Nonprofit Corporation)
Hometown: Topeka, KS
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ziwei Qi
Research Recognition: 2023 Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar
Learn more about the Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award!
Describe Your Research
My research focused on justice involved women and providing a trauma-informed approach during incarceration and post-incarceration. There is a lack of gender-specific programs that address the unique needs of women who are incarcerated. Justice involved women are more likely to experience poly victimization in their life and entering into an incarceration setting adds to their trauma. My goal is to highlight how important it is to provide trauma-informed programs that address the needs of justice involved women.
What was it like sharing your research?
Being able to display and discuss a topic I am passionate about has been a great experience. It was an honor to represent FHSU and The Center for Empowering Victims of Gender-Based Violence.