Morgan Barba

About Morgan
Year: Senior
Major: Agricultural Education
Hometown: Henderson, CO
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Matthew Clay
Research Recognition: 2024 Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar
Describe Your Research
I created 360 degree videos over agricultural concepts such as the process grain goes through once it is dropped off at the elevator or what happens on a production farm like the one we have at Fort Hays. The idea is to bring experiential learning into the classroom when limitations such as economical or geographical exist and prevent students from participating in activities such as field trips.
What was it like sharing your research?
At first, members of the community were confused of my explanation of the 360 degree video but once I showed them what it was, they were very on board with the project. Sharing my research was very interesting as it was a unique approach to education and to agriculture.
What are your future career goals?
My future career goal to either be a high school agriculture teacher or a 4-H extension agent. This research would allow me to enhance the learning experiences for the youth I work with and gave me the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technology.
Why should other students get involved in research?
It is a great way to get involved with your department and the outside community! It also helps to maintain a growth mindset and to better understand what is going on potentially in your industry.