National Science Foundation (NSF) Robert Noyce Scholarship
Certified Rural Enhanced STEM Teachers (CREST)
The Noyce Program is a competitive scholarship program for students who have obtained at least junior-level status. The Noyce Program is more than just a scholarship - it is preparation to become an outstanding science or mathematics teacher serving in a high-needs district. Individuals selected for one of the six $15,000 scholarships (renewable for a second year) will receive specialized coursework such as teaching using distance learning technologies, leadership, and professional development on issues facing high needs schools. In addition to preparation for teaching, additional resources are provided to support undergraduate research experiences, travel to conferences, and support over the first three years of teaching to transition from student to teacher.
Who is eligible to apply?
Students majoring in physics, chemistry, biology, geosciences or mathematics with at least a junior level status, 2.75 overall GPA and 2.75 GPA in major content area are eligible to apply.
What are my obligations?
- Complete a major in a science or mathematics discipline and a major in secondary or elementary education.
- Participate in Noyce Program activities during the academic year, including FHSU STEM-Education club.
- Complete the rural teaching certificate.
- Complete two-years of teaching in a high needs district for each year a scholarship is accepted within eight years of program completion.
Where do I get an application?
Priority Deadline is February 15, 2025.
Noyce Summer Scholar Program
Students who have completed at least their freshman year are eligible to apply to be a Noyce Summer Scholar. The Summer Scholar program provides a five week stipend at $600 a week ($3,000) to work in the FHSU Science and Mathematics Education Institute with its summer programs for area youth. Summer Scholars will be engaged in teaching and educational outreach in science, mathematics, and technology. Additionally these individuals will have the opportunity to talk with master teachers about careers in teaching. The program is open to FHSU students, community college students, and students considering transferring to FHSU to enter the teaching profession. Selected students will need to either be a STEM major or intending to become a STEM major and an interest in exploring the world of science and mathematics teaching.
Who is eligible to apply?
- Students in a science or mathematics field with interest in teaching as a possible careers
What are my obligations?
- Teach in an informal science setting during the five weeks of the program.
- Pass background check.
Where do I get an application?
- Log into workday.
- In the search bar type “Find student jobs”
- Find "R-04526 Student Noyce Summer Scholar - Non-Workstudy - Science Mathematics Education Institute"
The Summer Noyce application is CLOSED for 2025.