Master of Professional Studies (MPS)
The Master of Professional Studies (MPS) degree is a multi-disciplinary master's degree designed to develop advanced professional skill sets in various subject areas. These programs will allow you to gain the professional workforce skills desired by employers in commerce, government, health care, non-profits, and information technology. Also, a majority of our programs are available online making it easier for you to earn your degree anytime, from anywhere.
The MPS curriculum contains five components:
- 9-hour core curriculum, which includes a research methods course, a statistics course, and a concentration-specific introductory graduate course
- 9- to 12-hour major concentration area
- 6- to 9-hour cognate field or free electives area
- 3-hour projects or an internship course. The total number of credits required for this degree is 30 credit hours.
- Satisfactorily complete the comprehensive exam
Available Programs of Study
- Chemistry
- Computer Networking
- Criminal Justice
- Cybersecurity
- Digital Cinema Studies
- Gerontology
- Human Resource Information Systems
- Human Resource Management
- Information Assurance Management
- Information Systems
- Medical Imaging Administration
- Medical Imaging Education
- Organizational Leadership
- Public Health Administration
- Political Management
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Sport Management
- Web and Mobile Application Development
- Workforce Development