2024-2025 Provost Standing Committees
Committee lists are updated as vacant positions are filled.
Go to: Academic Council / Academic Reinstatement / Adjunct Faculty Advisory / Commencement / Endowed Professor / Experiential Learning / Faculty Development / Faculty Development Funding / General Education / HLC Steering / Institutional Review Board / Learning Assessment / Learning Environment / Library / Open Educational Resource / President's Distinguished Scholar / Program Review / Promotion / Scholarship Environment / Student Success / Tenure / Undergraduate Research Environment / Writing Across Curriculum
Academic Advising Committee
Dr. Patricia Griffin, Chair Ms. Debbie Staab (AHSS)*** Ms. Nanette Fitzhugh (BE)*** Dr. Scott Gregory (Ed)*** Ms. Ashley Wetzel (HBS)*** Ms. Becky Newell (STM)*** Dr. Justin Greenleaf (Fac Mentor - Prov)*** |
Ms. Jessica Heronemus (Fac Mentor - FS)*** Ms. Angela Walters (Grad School)*** Ms. Nikki Brown (Academic Advising)** Mr. Dale Ano (Student Engagement)** Ms. Nikki Heitmann (FHSU Online)*** Ms. LouWayne Davidson (Registrar's)*** Anthony Arial (Student) |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ AA C bylaws ]
Academic Council
Dr. Jill Arensdorf, Chair Dr. David Macey Dr. Melissa Hunsicker Walburn Dr. Paul Adams Dr. Jeff Briggs Dr. Grady Dixon |
Dr. Angela Pool-Funai Ms. Ginger Williams Dr. Jeni McRay Dr. Andrew Feldstein Dr. Dennis King Ms. Cynthia Cline |
Academic Reinstatement Committee
Dr. Patricia Griffin, Chair Ms. Hollie Marquess (AHSS)* Dr. Cole Engel (BE)** Dr. Sarah Lancaster (Ed)** Dr. Brooke Mann (HBS)* Dr. James Balthazor (STM)** Ms. Britny Cox (AHSS advisor)*** Ms. Nanette Fitzhugh (BE advisor)*** Ms. Megan Maska (Ed advisor)** |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ ARC bylaws ]
Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee
Ms. Debby Pfeifer, Co-Chair (Fac Dev Spec) Dr. Julie Cannizzo, (Grad School)*** Ms. Latisha Haag (AHSS)* Dr. Christina Glenn(BE on campus)* Dr. Teresa San Martin (Ed on campus)** Dr. Karmen Porter (HBS on campus)*** Mr. Dean Stramel (STM on campus)*** |
Dr. Darrell Hamlin (AHSS online)* Dr. Ed Vengrouskie (BE online)** Dr. Ryan Karjala (Ed online)*** Dr. Blake Roth (HBS online)** Ms. Cheryl Shepherd-Adams (STM online)** Dr. Phillip Olt (Faculty Senate)* Ms. Heather VanDyne (Library)* |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ AFAC bylaws ]
Commencement Committee
Ms. Cindy Cline (Provost's Office), Chair |
Dr. Terry Crull (Music) |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ CC bylaws ]
Endowed Professor Committee
Dr. Jill Arensdorf, Chair Dr. David Macey (AHSS) Dr. Melissa Hunsicker Walburn (BE) Dr. Paul Adams (Ed / Named Professor) Dr. Jeff Briggs (HBS) |
Dr. Grady Dixon (STM) Dr. Keith Dreiling (Dept Chair)*** Dr. Kim Chappell (Faculty)*** Dr. Anas Hourani (Faculty)** Dr. Anita Walters (Faculty)* |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ EPC bylaws ]
Experiential Learning Committee
Dr. Donnette Noble (Dir. CLE), Chair Dr. Jay Steinmetz (AHSS)*** Dr. Karen Thal (BE)*** Ms. Heather Musil (Ed)** Ms. Tara Rohn (HBS)* Mr. Zach Pixler (STM)** Ms. MaryAlice Wade (Library)*** |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ ELC bylaws ]
Faculty Development Committee
Ms. Nicole Frank (Dir Prof Dev), Chair Ms. Debby Pfeifer (Fac Dev Specialist) Dr. Ziwei Qi (AHSS)* Dr. Ron Christian (BE)* Dr. Phillip Olt (Ed)** Ms. Jordan Petz (HBS)** |
Dr. Rob Channell (STM)* Dr. Matthew Clay (Faculty Senate)** Dr. Kent Rohleder (FHSU-AAUP)** Ms. Robyn Hartman (Library)*** Ms. Sharon Graham (International Faculty)* Dr. Täna Arnhold (At-large) |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ FDC bylaws ]
Faculty Development Funding Committee
Dr. Rachel Dolechek (BE), Chair*** Dr. Marcella Marez (AHSS)** Dr. Yaprak Dalat Ward (Ed)** Dr. Carol Ellis (HBS)*** |
Dr. Henry Agbogun (STM)* Ms. MaryAlice Wade (Library)* Ms. Anita Walters (Faculty Senate)** |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ FDFC bylaws ]
General Education Committee
Dr. Brad Will (Liberal Ed Director), Chair Dr. Anita Walters (FS Academic Affairs Chair) Dr. Cheryl Duffy (Goss Distinguished Prof) Dr. Doug Drabkin (AHSS)*** Dr. Amber Nickell (AHSS)** Dr. Emily Breit (BE)** Dr. David Schmidt (BE)*** Dr. Sohyun Yang (Ed)*** |
Ms. Renee Cason (Ed)* Ms. Arrica Braun (HBS)** Dr. Nuchelle Chance (HBS)* Dr. C.D. Clark (STM)*** Dr. Tara Phelps-Durr (STM)* Ms. Mary Rudman (Library)* Emma Day (Student) |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ GEC bylaws ]
HLC Steering Committee
Dr. Angela Pool-Funai, Chair Dr. Jill Arensdorf Dr. Brad Will Dr. Kenny Rigler |
Mr. Joe Bain Dr. Joey Linn Mr. Wesley Wintch Mr. Andrew Cutright |
[ HLCSC bylaws ]
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
[ IACUC bylaws ]
Institutional Review Board
Full Board Members Dr. Christy Craig, Chair Dr. Darin Challacombe Dr. Carol Ellis Dr. Elodie Jones Dr. David Tostenson Dr. Qiang Li Dr. Iryna McDonald Ms. Heather VanDyne Mr. Jeffrey Brull, Community Member Dr. Keith Bremer, Administrator |
Secondary Reviewers Dr. Sohyun Yang Dr. Arvin Cruz Dr. Brooke Moore Dr. April Park Dr. Whitney Whitaker Dr. Juti Winchester Dr. Christine Hober |
[ IRB bylaws ]
Learning Assessment Committee
Mr. Andrew Cutright, (Univ Asmt Dir), Chair Dr. Brad Will (Lib Ed & AHSS Asst Dean) Dr. Kenny Rigler (Ed) Dr. Magdalene Moy (TILT) Dr. Morgan Steele (AHSS Asmt Coord) Ms. Amie Wright (BE Asmt Coord) Dr. Jennifer Bechard (HBS Asmt Coord) Dr. Carol Patrick (HBS Asmt Coord) |
Dr. Karmen Porter (HBS Asmt Coord) Dr. Jeanne Sumrall (STM Asmt Coord) Dr. Masa Watanabe (STM Asmt Coord) Ms. Shelly Gasper (Asmt Data Collection) Dr. David Tarailo (Faculty Senate)** Ms. Robyn Hartman (Library)* Mr. Dale Ano (Student Affairs)* Ms. Judy Brummer (COE Assist Pgm Dir) |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ LAC bylaws ]
Learning Environment Committee
Dr. Lorelei Patrick (STM)* Chair Dr. Andrew Feldstein (Assist Provost) Ms. Samantha Lowry (Facilities Planning) Mr. Jeff Bitikofer (Audio Visual Specialist) Mr. Mike Nease (Dir Campus A/V) Ms. Mary Elizabeth Turner (Faculty Senate)* |
Mr. Colin Schmidtberger (AHSS)* Dr. Kwadwo Ofori-Mensah (BE)** Dr. Betsy Crawford (Ed)** Dr. Blake Roth (HBS)*** Ms. Kathy Pfeifer (Library)*** Chloe Knipp (Student) |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ LEC bylaws ]
University Library Committee
inactive - committee currently paused
[ ULC bylaws ]
Open Educational Resource Committee
Ms. Claire Nickerson (OER Librarian), Chair Dr. Andrew Feldstein (Assist Prov TILT) Dr. Zhongrui Yao (TILT) Ms. Seung Gutsch (TILT) Dr. Juti Winchester (AHSS)** Dr. Jesse Jacob (BE)*** Dr. Elodie Jones (Ed)* |
Dr. Lora Hoffman (Ed)** Dr. Jessica Phelan (HBS)** Ms. Dorothy Ochs (HBS at-large)** Dr. Margaret Braasch-Turi(STM)* Ms. Susan Dumler (Faculty Senate)*** Dr. Dennis King (FHSU Online) Cade Becker (Student) |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ OERC bylaws ]
President's Distinguished Scholar Committee
Dr. Robert Lloyd*
Dr. April Terry***
Dr. Hendratta Ali***
Dr. Grady Dixon******
Dr. Mary Martin*******
[ PDSC bylaws ]
Program Review Committee
Dr. Angela Pool-Funai, Chair Ms. Kristi Mills (Data & Inst Effectiveness) Mr. Andy Cutright (Univ Assessment) Dr. Timothy Rolls (AHSS)* Mr. Jon Tholstrup (BE)** Dr. Kenny Rigler (Ed)*** |
Dr. Michelle Van Der Wege (HBS)** Dr. Medhavi Ambardar (STM)* Dr. Matthew Smalley (Faculty Senate)** Ms. MaryAlice Wade (Librarian)*** Dr. Kim Perez (Grad Council)** |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ PRC bylaws ]
University Promotion Committee
Dr. Irena Ravitskaya (AHSS)**
Dr. Mike Martin (BE)*
Dr. Elodie Jones (Ed)**
Ms. Denise Orth (HBS)*
Dr. Soumya Bhoumik (STM)*
*first of two-year term, **second of two year term
[ UPC bylaws ]
Scholarship Environment Committee
Dr. Morgan Steele (AHSS undergrad pgms)*Chair Dr. April Terry (Event Coordinator)* Vacant (Faculty Research Assoc) Dr. Kevin Amidon (Honors College) Vacant (Grad School & OSSP) Dr. Marco Macias (AHSS grad pgms)* Mr. Kelei Zhang (BE undergrad pgms)* Dr. Jian Xu (BE grad pgms)* Dr. Linda Feldstein (Ed undergrad pgms)** Dr. Reade Dowda (Ed grad pgms)*** |
*first of three-year term, **second of three-year term, ***third of three-year term
[ SEC bylaws ]
Student Success Committee
Academic Affairs / Student Affairs joint committee - committee currently paused[ SSC bylaws ]
University Tenure Committee
Dr. Pelgy Vaz (AHSS)**
Dr. Emily Breit (BE)**
Dr. Kevin Splichal (Ed)*
Dr. Christine Hober (HBS)**
Dr. Rich Lisichenko (STM)*
*first of two-year term, **second of two year term
[ UTC bylaws ]
Undergraduate Research Environment Steering Group
Dr. Emily Breit, Economics and Finance Dr. Jeanne Sumrall, Geosciences Dr. Linda Feldstein, Teacher Education Dr. James Balthazor, Chemistry Ms. Shauna Keil, Nursing Dr. Whitney Whitaker, Psychology Dr. Kevin Amidon, Honors College |
Ms. Cyndi Landis, Library |
[ URESG bylaws ]
Writing Across the Curriculum Committee
Dr. Cheryl Duffy, Chair Ms Lisa Bell (Writing Ctr) Dr. Sarah Broman Miller (Ed) (GenEd) Dr. Medhavi Ambardar (STM) Dr. Jay Steinmetz (AHSS) (Grad School) Dr. Rose Helens-Hart (BE) |
Ms. Claire Nickerson (Library) |
[ WACC bylaws ]