Develop Expertise in Specific Criminal Justice Areas
Criminal Justice Programs at Fort Hays State University offer specialized certificates, available on campus and online, that will add value to your degree program or further develop your skill sets in a particular area. These programs will help to unlock your untapped potential and take your educational foundation to the next step by helping to refine the specialty services that you will use throughout your career in criminal justice.
You can learn more about when specific criminal justice courses are offered by viewing the course rotation schedule. Please note, these certificates cannot be earned as stand-alone programs, and many of the courses have prerequisites. They are designed to complement students currently registered in undergraduate degree programs at Fort Hays State University.
Select from Ten Certificates to Complement Your Career Focus
Certificate in Corrections (choose 12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Corrections
The primary purpose of this program is to accommodate in-service officers interested in a specialized field and undergraduate majors in the social sciences with a specific interest in the field of corrections.
Specific career opportunities include corrections officer, human services aide, residential juvenile counseling, street outreach counseling and juvenile corrections officer.
Upon completion of this certificate, students will demonstrate a thorough understanding of the functions of corrections within the broader criminal justice system.
- CRJ 105 Workshop in Criminal Justice - Corrections (1-3 credit hours)
- CRJ 327 Juvenile Justice Systems ( 3 credit hours)
- CRJ 341 Introduction to Corrections (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 345 Community Corrections (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 350 Drugs and Society (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 365 Women and Crime (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 374 Mental Health and Criminal Justice Systems (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 380 Topics in Criminal Justice - Corrections (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 600 Internship (with approval) (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 670 Independent Study (with approval) (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 675 Seminar in Criminal Justice (3 credit hours)
- PSY 230 Psychology of Human Motives (3 credit hours)
Certificate in Crime Mapping and Analysis (12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Crime Mapping & Analysis
The certificate in Crime Mapping and Analysis is designed to familiarize the criminal justice practitioner or future practitioner with crime analysis and geographic information systems, to better understand crime mapping and the impact that it has for keeping communities safe. The certificate combines practical and theoretical bases of knowledge towards this end. Students are ideally pursuing a major or minor in either Criminal Justice and/or Geosciences.
Courses required to earn the Certificate in Crime Mapping & Analysis include:
- CRJ 355 Criminal Investigation (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 395 Crime Analysis (3 credit hours)
- GSCI 240 Intro to Geographic Information Systems (3 credit hours)
- GSCI 360 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (3 credit hours)
Certificate in Criminal Justice (choose 9 hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Criminal Justice
The certificate in criminal justice is designed for non-majors who are interested in pursuing topics related to criminal justice. The certificate provides a foundation of the criminal justice system (CRJ 101 Intro to Criminal Justice) and theories of crime and criminal behavior (CRJ 200 Criminology). Students then have the opportunity to complete a criminal justice elective to expand on a specific topic/issue related to crime and justice.
- CRJ 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 200 Criminology (3 credit hours)
- Criminal Justice Elective (3 credit hours)
Certificate in Criminal Justice Leadership (12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Criminal Justice Leadership
The certificate in Criminal Justice Leadership is designed to provide the criminal justice practitioner or future practitioner the ability to develop knowledge and leadership skills specific to criminal justice processes. The certificate combines practical and theoretical bases of knowledge towards this end. In addition, the certificate serves as a precursor to the Certificate in Leadership Studies. Students pursuing the certificate may also pursue a major or minor in either program.
Courses required to earn the Certificate in Criminal Justice Leadership include:
- CRJ/LDRS 307 Administration of Justice Systems (3 credit hours)
- CRJ Upper Division Elective (3 credit hours)
- LDRS 300 Intro to Leadership Concepts (3 credit hours)
- LDRS 302 Intro to Leadership Behavior (3 credit hourss)
Certificate in Criminal Psychology (12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificater in Criminal Psychology
The Certificate in Criminal Psycholoogy is designed to identify the psychological and biological factors associated with criminal behavior; understand the complex nature of mental health and its influence on criminal behavior;examine psychological and sociological factors associated with criminal behavior; and apply psychological theories to real-life case studies and/or examples
Psychology (6 credit hours)
Select one course: PSY 357 Forensic Psychology or PSY 369 Criminal Psychology and then one other course from the list below:
- PSY 300 Abnormal Psychology
- PSY 340 Social Psychology
- PSY 357 Forensic Psychology
- PSY 369 Criminal Psychology
- PSY 425 Personality
Criminal Justice (6 credit hours)
- CRJ 365 Women and Crime
- CRJ 374 Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System
- CRJ 375 Serial Predators
- CRJ 385 Victimology
- CRJ 390 Sex Crimes
Certificate in Criminological Theory (12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Criminological Theory
The Certificate in Criminological Theory is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of the sociological and theoretical underpinnings of the discipline. The certificate will present the foundational theories through the required courses, then allow the student to expand their study of theories through topic-specific options. Students pursuing the certificate may also pursue a major or minor in either program.
Students are required to take CRJ 200 Criminology and SOC 140 Understanding Society as foundation requirements. Students may then choose one class from each concentration area:
Foundation (6 hours)
- CRJ 200 Criminology (3 credit hours)
- SOC 140 Understanding Society: Introductory Sociology (3 credit hours)
Criminological Theory (3 hours)
- CRJ 330 Culture and Crime (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 377 Crime and Society (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 385 Victimology (3 credit hours)
Sociological Theory (3 hours)
- SOC 311 Feminist Theory (3 credit hours)
- SOC 344 Social Deviance (3 credit hours)
- SOC 361 Sociological Theory and Literature (3 credit hours)
Certificate in Economic Justice and Advocacy (10 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Economic Justice and Advocacy
The certificate in Economic Justice and Advocacy is funded by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship grant sponsored by Dr. Tisa Mason. Students will acquire a foundational knowledge of victim advocacy and develop strong written communication skills.
Courses required:
- CRJ 105 Workshop in Criminal Justice: Economic Justice and Advocacy (1 credit hour)
- CRJ 367 Victim Advocacy (3 credit hours)
- BCOM 210 Intro to Professional Development (3 credit hours)
- SOC 664 Social Entrepreneurship and Grassroots Social Action (3 credit hours)
- SOC 680 Nonprofit Organization (1 credit hour)
A special 1-credit hour course within the certificate focuses on developing a workshop or project to be shared with students, faculty, staff, and the community, raising awareness about GBV and enhancing the well-being of rural communities. This certificate program aims to foster a more inclusive workplace environment and empower professionals to advocate for GBV survivors, driving positive change and reducing these individuals' constraints.
For more information about the Economic Justice and Advocacy Certificate program, please contact Dr. Rachel Dolechek at and Dr.Ziwei Qi at
Certificate in Juvenile Justice and Youth Development (choose 12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Juvenile Justice and Youth Development
The certificate in juvenile justice and youth development is designed to familiarize the juvenile practitioner, or future practitioner, to better understand at risk youth and juvenile justice. The certificate combines practical and theoretical bases of knowledge towards this end. Students pursuing are ideally pursing a major or minor in either Psychology and/or Criminal Justice.
Courses required to earn the Certificate in Juvenile Justice Youth Development include:
- PSY 355 Drugs and Behavior (3 credit hours)
OR - PSY 460 Topics in Psychology: Behavioral Addictions (3 credit hours)
- PSY 400 Child and Developmental Psychology (3 credit hours)
OR - PSY 415 Adolescence (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 327 Juvenile Justice (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 340 Gender, Race, and Inequality (3 credit hours)
OR - CRJ 365 Women and Crime (3 credit hours)
Certificate in Policing and Homeland Security (choose 12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Policing and Homeland Security
The certificate in law enforcement is designed to aid in developing communication skills, good judgment and decision-making skills, and display how to handle stress well within the broader context of a career in law enforcement.
The certificate provides specialized law enforcement-based coursework to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully enter the field. The certificate program allows the student to learn about community policing, police discretion, polite ethics and corruption, issues of police leadership and management, patrol requirements, professionalism and other related topics necessary for success in the field.
- CRJ 105 Workshop in Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement (1-3 credit hours)
- CRJ 315 Private Security (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 320 Introduction to Law Enforcement (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 325 Law Enforcement in the Community (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 331 Criminal Law and Procedure (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 335 Civil Liability (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 355 Criminal Investigations (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 370 Terrorism (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 380 Topics (variable content, with approval) (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 395 Crime Analysis (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 600 Internship (with approval) (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 675 Seminar (variable content, with approval) (3 credit hours)
Certificate in Social Justice (choose 12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate in Social Justice
The Certificate in Social Justice is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of issues of inequality across the U.S. and globally, including but not limited to gender, race, ageism, religion, and socioeconomic status. The certificate will provide students with a foundation of social justice in the core course (IDS/CRJ 360 Social Justice: Action & Policy). Then, students can focus on specific concepts by selecting three additional courses from the list that follows:
Foundation - 3 hours required
- IDS/CRJ 360 Social Justice: Action and Policy (3 credit hours)
Concepts of Social Justice - 9 hours required
- CRJ 340 Gender, Race, and Inequality in CJ (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 365 Women and Crime (3 credit hours)
- IDS 350 Diversity in the U.S. (3 credit hours)
- IDS/LDRS 407 Global Challenges (3 credit hours)
- LDRS 640 Principles of Civic Leadership (3 credit hours)
- SOC 384 Social Problems (3 credit hours)
- SOC 470 Grant Writing (3 credit hours)
- SOC 472 Social Inequality (3 credit hours)
Certificate in Victim Advocacy (choose 12 credit hours)
Intent to Complete a Certificate In Victim Advocacy
Victim advocacy, as an emerging field in the criminal and social service networks, requires a solid background in all aspects of the law, dispute resolution, human services and the like. This certificate is designed to accommodate the means for current or future victim advocates to develop basic knowledge and skills in effective advocacy.
- CRJ 327 Juvenile Justice Systems (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 331 Criminal Law and Procedure (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 340 Gender, Race, and Inequality in Criminal Justice (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 365 Woman and Crime (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 367 Victim Advocacy (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 374 Mental Health and Criminal Justice Systems (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 380 Topics in Criminal Justice - Victims (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 385 Victimology (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 600 Internship (with approval) (3 credit hours)
- CRJ 670 Independent Study (with approval) (3 credit hours)
- SOC 670 Grant Proposal Development (3 credit hours)
- criminaljustice/academic-programs/certificate-programs/victim-advocacy-certificate-application-cj-program-july-2023.docx