Dr. Tom Schafer
Associate Professor of Geosciences, Geography
Office: Tomanek Hall, 331
Phone: 785-628-5969
Email: tschafer@fhsu.edu
Curriculum Vitae - contact me for a current vitae
Star Trek Cat image used with permission, artist Jenny Parks. Dr. Schafer not only appreciates a good meme but this particular image also suites him. Tell us why you think it suits him at geosciences@fhsu.edu.
Greetings, and welcome to the Department of Geosciences. On this page, you will find a few facts about my background, my research interests, and my personal interests. If you would like to know more about me or the Department, feel free to call or email me.
Educational Background
Ph. D. | 2000 | Kansas State University
A.B.D. | 1998 | Kansas State University
M.A. | 1990 | University of Nebraska - Omaha
B.S. | 1983 | University of Nebraska - Omaha
Courses Taught
- Introduction, Intermediate, and Advanced Geographic Information Systems
- Cartography and Advanced Cartography
- Cartographic Concepts
- Introduction to Geology
- Medical Geography
- Geography of the Middle East
- Introduction to Surveying Concepts
- Seminar in Bioterrorism
- Weapons of Mass Destruction - Response and Remediation
Research Interests and Specializations
Applied Agricultural Geography
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Medical Geography
Disaster Response and Remediation
Bioterrorism and Biowarfare
Recent Publications
Neuhauser, Kenneth R, Thomas Schafer. "Subsidence Measurement of the I-70 Sinkholes, Russell County, Kansas. Eighth Report of Field Work - 4/14/09." Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009.
Neuhauser, Kenneth R, Thomas Schafer. "Subsidence Measurement of the I-70 Sinkholes, Russell County, Kansas. Seventh Report of Field Work - 12/05/08." Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009.
Neuhauser, Kenneth R, Thomas Schafer. "Subsidence Measurement of the I-70 Sinkholes, Russell County, Kansas. Seventh Report of Field Work - 4/10/08." Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008.
Neuhauser, Kenneth R, Thomas Schafer, Richard Lisichenko. 2004. "Volumetric Calculation and Life Expectancy of the City of Hays [Kansas] Industrial Landfill Using GPS and ArcGIS and Spatial Analyst GIS" Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-25.
Schafer, Thomas , and John Heinrichs. 2004. "Impact of Teleconnections on Kansas Regional Winter Wheat Yields 1903 - 2001" at Kansas Academy of Science, Spring 2004. Delivered at Kansas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Spring 2004
Burch, Jeff, Richard Lisichenko, and Thomas Schafer. 2003. "Demographic Characteristics of Admitted Fort Hays State University Freshmen, 2003". Delivered at Association of American Geographers Fall Regional Conference, Fall 2003.
Schafer, Thomas. 2002. "Spatial Incidence of New Cases of Tuberculosis in Kansas 1990 - 2000: Using GIS as a Tool in Public Health Research". Presented at Annual Meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science, Spring 2002
Lisichenko, Richard, and Thomas C Schafer. 2002. "Kansas From Afar" Geocarto International 17:2: 75-79.
Schafer, Thomas C. 2002. "The University and the GIS Community: Defining the New Paradigm" (E-Publication at www.magicgis.org)
Schafer, Thomas C. 2001." Specialization and Diversification in the Agricultural System of Southwestern Kansas, 1887 - 1980." In Fluid Arguments: Water in the American West, Ed. by Char Miller. Phoenix; University of Arizona Press
Awards Received
- Certified CATS Analyst, Defense Nuclear Weapons School, Defense Threat Reduction University, 2008
- Pilot Award Nominee, 2004.
- Phi Kappa Phi 1998 - 1999
- Kansas Academy of Science Dehner Award, 1998.
- 1998 "Students Choice" teaching award, Kansas State University, 1997
- Phi Kappa Phi 1998 -1999
- Outstanding Departmental Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, 1997 and 1998.
- Gamma Theta Upsilon, 1990.
- Dean's Academic Honor Roll, 1979, 1981.
- National Honor Society, 1978.
Professional Memberships
- Kansas Academy of Science
- Kansas Association of Mappers
- Association of American Geographers
- Mid-American GIS Consortium
Service Activities
- Kansas State GIS Policy Board
- Kansas Adjutant General's Geospatial Homeland Security Working Group
- Operations Coordinator, KDOT - FHSU Subsidence Research Project
- Fort Hays State Library Committee
- Co-Coordinator, FHSU "GIS Day" program.
- Project Manager, Kansas Adjutant General's Office -KDOT "Allroads" Project, 2007-2008
- Chair, Rural and Local GIS Implementation Subcommittee, Kansas State GIS Policy Board 2002-2005
- State Geography Bee Coordinator, 2002-2006.
- Regional Coordinator, Science Olympiad 2002 - 2006.
- FHSU Internationalization Committee, 2002 - 2009.
- Project Coordinator, KGS - FHSU Environmental Research Project, Spring 2004.
- Kansas State GIS Strategic -Planning Working Group, Summer 2004 - 2008.
- Project Manager, Land-Based Assessors Classification Project, 2001 - 2002.
- Chair, Ellis County Regional GIS Organization Operations Committee 2000-2006
Current Research
Plume Modeling and Bioterrorism, WMD Effects and Mitigation, Agroterrorism, Disaster Planning and Mitigation.
Personal Interest
- Many and variable . . .