Investigating Anthropogenic Perturbations on Carbon Cycling in an Urbanized Tropical Estuary
About the Program | Apply | Project Participants | Research Updates | Summary
Dr. Henry Agbogun | Dr. Eliot Atekwana | Student Participants
Project Participants
Dr. Henry Agbogun
Dr. Henry Agbogun is an Assistant Professor of Geosciences at Fort Hays State University. He is a geoscientist with research interests in methods development for assessing the environment and natural resources.
Research Interest
Dr. Agbogun's research interest is in petroleum geology, hydrogeology, elemental geochemistry and digital rock physics.
Dr. Eliot Atekwana
Dr. Eliot Atekwana, is a professor of Geology in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Delaware.
Research Interest
Dr. Atekwana's research interest is in aqueous geochemistry and hydrogeology.
Dr. Atekwana has been involved with several NSF-IRES projects in Africa and has broad experience working with students at all levels (graduate and undergraduate students). His studies involve carbon cycling in water from various continental and marine environments such as
- Karst environments e.g. caves
- Estuaries (Florida, Douala etc.)
- Concrete in bridges
- Snow, ice and rain water
- Acid mine drainage streams and creeks
- Watersheds
Dr. Atekwana trains students to design laboratory experiments in conducting field research.
Fun Facts
- Dr. Atekwana has worked in several US states mostly in the Midwest including (Missouri, Oklahoma...and more)
- Dr. Ali is a former PhD student of Dr. Atekwana and did her research studying mine tailing in South East Missouri
- Dr. Atekwana is the author of multiple peer reviewed articles. One of one of which has multiple citations!
- Dr. Atekwana has received several awards for his academic work and research including
- Several of his undergraduate students have won research awards including grants, scholarships, and best undergraduate research presentations.
- He is the author of multiple peer reviewed articles. One of one of which has multiple citations!
Dr. Hendratta Ali
Dr. Hendratta Ali is an Associate Professor of Geosciences at Fort Hays State University. She is trained in aqueous and isotope geochemistry and also teaches and supervises student interested in petroleum geology.
Research Interest
Dr. Ali's Research Interest is in petroleum geology, aqueous and stable isotope geochemistry and working with graduate and undergraduate students.
She is involved with several undergraduate student research projects and has extensive experience working with undergraduate students/scholars in
- Aqueous geochemistry and hydrogeology,
- Magnetic susceptibility,
- Geophysics (seismic, potential field, petrophysics)
- Chemo and lithostratigraphy.
Fun Facts
- Dr. Ali also enjoys mentoring K-12 students, visiting schools, and participating in summer camps
- In addition to peer-reviews publications, Dr. Ali has published several non-technical articles about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in " AWIS Magazine", SEG " The Leading Edge" . She is also the author of a book chapter in the Springer Handbook of Petroleum Technology.
- Dr. Ali's graduate and undergraduate students have received many research and presentation awards.
- Dr. Ali has received several awards for her research, academic, and student mentoring from organizations such as the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, her alma mater Oklahoma State University and Fort Hays State University.
- She also offers short courses to non-geoscience and industry professions all over the US and internationally.
You can follow Dr. Ali on her twitter account @HendrattaAli, LinkedIn, or Facebook via the 'FHSU Petroleum and Water Research Group'
Student Participants
Student Participants 2023
Applications being accepted for summer 2022. Find out more and apply.
Student Participants 2022
For 2022 two students in the United States were selected for this grant and research opportunity. Remaining student participants were from University of Youande in Cameroon. Participantes traveling to Cameroon and respective faculty research mentors Dr. Henry Agbogun and Dr. Eliot Atekwana.
Sandy Castellano a graduate student majoring in Sustainability Science at Montclair State University. Sandy ultimately hopes to work in a career working on the conservation of coastal ecosystems/landscapes due to the effects anthropogenic climate change will have on these landscapes.
Lori Huck a junior majoring in Geology (Geospatial Information Systems) at Oklahoma State University. A non traditional student, Lori has a background in Homeland Security, Criminal Justice, and Geology studies. She plans to attend graduate school to study either volcanology, structural geology, or hydrology. Lori hopes to pursue a career continuing research at a government or private institution and teaching geology at a higher education institute.
Student Participants 2020 & 2021
Student Participants 2019
For 2019 four students in the United States were selected for this grant and research opportunity. Remaining student participants were from University of Youande in Cameroon. Participantes traveling to Cameroon included a student from California, a student from host institute University of Delaware, two students from host institute Fort Hays State University, and respective faculty research mentors Dr. Hendratta Ali and Dr. Eliot Atekwana.
Kayln Compton a FHSU junior majoring in biology (health professions) from Wichita, KS. This is the first time Kayln has traveled outside of the United States.
Nicholas Counts a FHSU junior majoring in geosciences (geology) from Colorado Springs, Colorado. This is the first time Nicholas has traveled outside of the United States.
Upon returning, when asked about the experience Nicholas replied, “The International Research Experience is the most exciting, challenging, and rewarding thing I have done in my entire life. I learned so much about not only the field I plan to work in, but also the research process, and the culture of the people I came to know on the other side of the world. From riding in a boat to collect samples while the driving rain lashes my skin, to licking my fingers after a eating delicious grilled fish prepared by the Cameroonian cooks, I have so many unforgettable experiences that I will value and utilize for the rest of my life. “