Field Camp
Dates: TBD for 2024.
Course Information: GSCI 454 VA (3-6 credits)

FHSU Geosciences Field Camp Trailer.
Honk if you see us going down the road!!
General information
An integrative geosciences capstone course involving a broad range of applied field techniques and procedures. Students will not only be evaluated in the field on traditional field methods such as measuring and describing stratigraphic sections, correlating stratigraphic sections, interpretation of ancient depositional environments, making geologic maps, mapping structural features, students will also complete projects on applied environmental geophysics using MagMapper, Surfer, and Grapher computer modeling, GPS, and ArcView GIS.
Field Camp heads west to Colorado and Utah, and will be taught by Dr. Jonathan Sumrall. Mapping projects cover multiple scales beginning with simple to more complex. Projects will be located in Dinosaur National Park, Cedar Mountain (Utah), paleolake Bonneville, Durango (Colorado), and Silverton (Colorado). These projects involve the use of bruntons, topographic and air photo base maps, and stereonets. Products include geologic maps, composite stratigraphic sections, and structural and stratigraphic cross sections, as well as supplemental interpretive reports. Field Camp ends in Kansas with the karst, hydrology, and geomorphology portion of the course. We will travel to southern Kansas for a 2-3 day project in the gypsum karst region of the Red Hills of Kansas/Oklahoma. We will then return to Ellis County (where FHSU is located) to conduct surfaced hydrology and geochemistry measurements of surface water features around the county.
- Field Camp is physically demanding - participating students must be in shape. At times students will be required to hike up rugged rocky slopes at elevations as low as 6000 feet up to 11,000 feet in hot weather. Students must be prepared for such respiratory demands.
- A typical daily routine begins with breakfast at 7:00 am, in-field projects until 4 or 5 pm, followed by supper. Evenings consist of in-camp study time in department tents. Campsites will be in national parks and private campgrounds. Students will also have access to showers, laundry, phone, etc. at most of the campgrounds, with a few exceptions.
- Course will conclude with submission of projects as well as a mineral, rock, and fossil exam.
- The last 5-7 days of course will be held on the FHSU Campus. Lodging will be available during this time in the residence halls; however, that fee is not included in the field camp fee and lodging during this time will be the responsibility of individual students.
All Students Intending to Apply/Participate in Field Camp must contact or email instructor for documents with complete and final information on field camp including: overview, itinerary, how to register, what to bring, and other important information.
How to Register:
If you are already an FHSU student registered in Dr. Jonathan Sumrall's Field Methods you will pre-register as you normally do using myFHSU worklet in Workday. You will also need to submit an non-refundable commitment deposit, complete field camp forms, and make your final fee payments as outlined in the information provided to you.
If you are not an FHSU student registered in Field Methods at Fort Hays State University during the spring semester please complete the following steps:
- To inquire about the availability of student spots, e-mail Dr. Jonathan Sumrall ( If one of the limited non-FHSU spots is open you will be asked to submit a commitment deposit and complete additional forms. Once your deposit and forms arrive, you will be placed on the camp roster.
- To be eligible to register in the FHSU Field Camp course you will first need to apply to become an FHSU Student. To apply visit FHSU's Admissions Application page. If you have never attended FHSU, apply as "An Undergraduate Freshman or Transfer Student". You will need to apply as a non-degree seeking undergraduate, major Geosciences. Complete the application form and submit. Wait at least 48 hours for your application to be processed.
- Once you receive notice your application has been processed go to the FHSU Technology Services Webpage select "Student" directions, and follow the steps to activate your TigerNetID and Workday Login. Once this is activated you may pre-register in the field camp course.
- To pre-register, go to the FHSU Student Resources Webpage ,select the “Workday” button, and log-in to Workday. Once logged into Workday select the "myFHSU". Under the Registration & Planning Section, click View My Academic Plan. Follow the step-by-step instructions to pre-register. You will need to register in GSCI 454 VA Field Studies in Geosciences (3-6 credit hours).
- If you have trouble with any of this, call 785-628-5270 and ask for Jennifer Thornton,
You will be officially registered when the following is complete: the field camp fee-balance and full tuition payments arrive and registration has been approved by Dr. Jonathan Sumrall.
Instructor contact:
Dr. Jonathan Sumrall,
Assistant Professor of Geosciences
Department of Geosciences
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601