Bachelor of Science in Health Studies
The Bachelor of Science in Health Studies degree program is an online, post-professional degree completion program for individuals who possess professional credentials in a clinically-based allied health discipline from a community college or technical program. The course of study is designed to provide career and academic advancement for current practitioners who wish to assume increasing responsibility in their current positions or in a related area of health care.
The program requires a minimum total of 120-hours. Students must meet the general education requirements of the university; complete the 25-hour health studies core and a 12-hour concentration track. Up to 45 hours of transfer credit may be applied from the student's specific area of allied health credential from the four year university, community college or technical program. University graduation requirements also require 45 hours of upper division credit. Students should speak with an advisro to determine if health related credits typically not accepted at FHSU may be applicable to this program.
Program Summary
General Education (34 hours)
The goal and framework of this program is to provide maximum transferability and flexibility for students within the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) system. For a full listing of current FHSU courses that apply toward the KBOR Systemwide Transfer GE program please click here.
Health Studies Core (25 hours)
HHP 220 Responding to Emergencies (3)
HHP 230 Principles of Nutrition (3)
BIOL 245 Medical Terminology (2)
HHP 310 A Critical Thinking Approach:Consumer Health (3)
HHP 610 Global Health (3)
HHP 618 Environmental Health (3)
HHP 620 Epidemiology in Public Health (3)
HHP 625 Legal Issues in Healthcare (3)
HHP 473 Culminating Experience (3)
Gerontology (12 hours minimum)
HHP 605 Introduction to Gerontology (3)
PSY 420 Psychology of Aging (3)
SOC 644 Sociology of Aging (3)
HHP 612 Physiology of Aging (3)
SLP 665 Communication and Aging (2)
HHP 617 Nutrition and Aging (3)
HHP 619 Exercise Testing/Prescription for the Elderly (3)
HHP 480 Leisure Programming for the Elderly (2)
SOCW 620 Spirituality and Aging (3)
Health Promotion (12 hours minimum)
HHP 314 Issues in Health Education (2)
HHP 320 Communicable and Emergent Diseases (2)
HHP 312 Fitness Leadership (3)
HHP 332 Life-Span Nutrition (3)
HHP 400 Safety Education (2)
HHP 602 Public Health (3)
HHP 619 Exercise Testing and Prescription for the Elderly (3)
Sociology of Medicine and Aging (12 hours minimum)
SOC 375 Medical Sociology (3)
SOC 355 Death and Dying (3)
SOC 644 Sociology of Aging (3)
SOCW 620 Spirituality and Aging (3)
Grant Writing and Social Entrepreneurship (12 hours minimum)
SOC 470 Grant Writing(3)
SOC 473 Program Development and Evaluation (3)
SOC 677 Internship in Sociology: Grant Writing (3)
SOC 680 Nonprofit Organizations (3)
Leadership (12 hours minimum)
LDRS 300 Introduction to Leadership Concepts (3)
LDRS 302 Introduction to Leadership Behavior (3)
LDRS 310 Fieldwork in Leadership Studies (3)
LDRS 306 Leadership and Team Dynamics (3)
LDRS 650 Principles of Organizational Leadership (3)
Credit for professional credential/certification/licensure: 0-30 Credit Hours
Electives: As necessary and transcript validation required.
Total: 120 Credit Hours
Program Contact
For more information, contact Bekka Coture_Lovelady to see if the Bachelor of Science degree in Health Studies could be right for you.