Faculty & Staff
On Campus Faculty and Staff
Dr. Eric Leuschner

Chair and Professor
PhD, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2004
History and Theory of the Novel, Representations and Discourses of the University, Eighteenth-Century British Literature
Office: Rarick Hall 344
Phone: 628-4285
E-mail: edleuschner@fhsu.edu
Dr. Elizabeth Langley

Modern Languages Program Coordinator
Assistant Professor, Spanish and French
Ph.D., Romance Studies, University of Miami
Phone: (785) 628-5380
Email: eclangley@fhsu.edu
Scholarly interests: literature and visual art of the Americas; languages for specific purposes; second language acquisition and pedagogy
Amy Richecky

Senior Administrative Assistant
B.A., Business Administration, Fort Hays State University, 2010
Office: Rarick Hall 343
Phone: 628-4285
E-mail: ajrichecky@fhsu.edu
Dr. Claudio Aguayo Borquez

Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan
Office: Rarick 390B
Phone: (785) 628-4648
Email: csaguayoborquez@fhsu.edu
Scholarly and Teaching Interests: Latin American literature and philosophy; Hispanic languages and cultures; Conservative thought across the Americas; Critical theory; Southern Cone 19th century history and literature
Dr. Kevin Amidon

Ph.D., Germanic Languages and Literatures, Princeton University
Director, Honors College
Office: Forsyth Library 074
Phone: (785) 628-4748
Email: ksamidon@fhsu.edu
Scholarly and teaching interests: 19th and 20th century cultural history, social theory, cultural diversity, science studies, musical studies
Dr. Rosa Maria Castaneda

Associate Professor of Spanish
PhD Applied linguistics, University of Florida
2015-16 Fellow at Texas Center for Health Disparities, University of North Texas Health Science Center.
Office: Rarick Hall, Room 350
Phone: (785) 628-5695
Email: rmcastaneda@fhsu.edu
Scholarly interest: Language barriers and health; heritage learners; language variation and change; sociolinguistics; Spanish and Portuguese linguistics.
Dr. Chita Espino-Bravo

Professor of Spanish
Ph.D., Peninsular Spanish Literature (18th, 19th & early 20th centuries), Cultural Studies, and Feminist Studies, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Office: Rarick Hall, Room 345
Phone: (785) 628-4263
Email: c_espinobravo@fhsu.edu
Advisor of the Spanish Club FHSU and Barn Hoppers Club. Like us on FB https://www.facebook.com/SpanishClubFHSU