IACUC Guidance for Researchers
The following steps will guide researchers to ensure compliance with laws, policies, and guidelines involving animals in research activities.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact IACUC@fhsu.edu.
The following steps will guide researchers to ensure compliance with laws, policies, and guidelines involving animals in research activities.
Principal Investigators (faculty, staff, and students), faculty supervising student research, and members of the research team must complete CITI training prior to submitting an application to the IACUC.
See CITI Training for instructions on how to complete the training.
Review the Instructions for Registering with IRBNet and follow instructions below to find the correct forms for the type of application you are submitting (new, revised, continuation/extension, non-affiliated researcher).
Review the Instructions for Creating & Submitting A New Application for a list of the required documents, information on who should sign the study, and how to submit your study.
To make the required modifications for a project that has been submitted to the IACUC but was not approved, review the IACUC Instructions for Submitting Required Modifications.
All research protocols are reviewed by IACUC members. Prior to applications being sent to the IACUC, the IACUC administrator reviews the package to ensure that all required documents, signatures, and documentation of CITI training for all project researchers are included. Please submit your application and associated materials to IRBNet approximately 10 days in advance of a scheduled IACUC meeting.
The approval timeline of an IACUC protocol varies depending on the type of project and modifications that might be required to an initial submission. The PI will be notified following the scheduled IACUC meeting regarding the status of the project (e.g., approved; modifications required; not approved).
Once your research is approved by the IACUC, the project will remain active for three years. During year one and two of the project, an annual progress report will be submitted; the PI also may need to submit an amendment for an activity that has already been reviewed and approved by the IACUC. Review the IACUC Instructions for Submitting Amendments & Progress Reports for more information.
When you have completed your research, follow the Instructions for Submitting a Final Report and submit this IACUC Study Closure Request Form.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact IACUC@fhsu.edu.
Office of Research
Picken Hall 306
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601