Faculty and Staff
Faculty members are teachers and scholars whose research and creative contributions earn accolades and respect on state, national, and international levels. The University is a place where the symbiotic relationship between teaching and scholarship is not only understood but cultivated.
You can continue exploring university-wide opportunities for faculty and staff research here:- Events and Opportunities
- Internal Grants and Awards
- External Grants
- Research Spotlight
- Scholarship
- Development Funding
- Resources
We strongly support scholarly activities to a degree that is uncommon among state-funded regional universities. We recognize the value of having scholars who love to teach and we highly regard the Boyer Model of Scholarship, broadening the common definition of scholarship.
In this model, developed by Ernest Boyer, recognition of scholarship goes beyond the scholarship of discovery and includes the contribution of other vital modes of scholarship:
- Discovery - Original research that advances knowledge;
- Integration - Synthesis of information across disciplines, across topics within a discipline, or across time;
- Application (also called the scholarship of engagement) - Moving beyond the service duties of a faculty member to those within or outside the University and involves the rigor and application of disciplinary expertise with results that can be shared with and/or evaluated by peers; and
- Teaching and Learning - The systematic study of teaching and learning processes. It differs from scholarly teaching in that it requires a format that will allow public sharing and the opportunity for application and evaluation by others.
In addition providing a variety of internal grants and guidance for applying for external grants, FHSU provides ample opportunities for the scholarly community. Several events throughout the year encourage collaborative faculty research and provide opportunities to showcase scholarly works including, Night at the Museum and SACAD. Faculty development funding supports and recognizes excellence in scholarly and creative activities.
FHSU has a strong history of supporting faculty-student research collaborations with both undergraduate and graduate students. Involving students in research can energize, enrich and enlighten teaching, improve the quality of student interaction, and stimulate professional development and growth. Celebrating student’s accomplishments increases exposure and perceived prestige of the school as well as increase potential for external grant support and workforce and economic enhancement.
Members of the SEC provostial committee nurture a culture of scholarship by creating forums for students and faculty to share their scholarly activities, encouraging collaborative opportunities for scholarship across departments, colleges and institutions, advising on policies and procedures and recognizing scholarship in all its forms.
FRA is an informal organization that regularly hosts book signings, research presentations, and informal social gatherings where creative, interdisciplinary collaboration occurs. The aim is to provide a stimulating, responsive, and safe environment, in which we motivate and support each other in our research endeavors, offering suggestions when invited to do so. To become a member, contact Daniel McClure at (785) 628-5582 or drmcclure2@fhsu.edu.