How to Request Technology Accounts for Student Employees
If you would like to request TigerNetIDs for your FHSU student employees and graduate assistants, simply submit a Technology Support request form (select Employee as the Relationship, and then select Student Employee New Hire Services as the Service Type). Include the following information for each student employee:
- First and last name
- 8-character FHSU ID
- Department
- Job title (student employee, grad assistant, etc)
- List of folders on the N: drive that this person should have access to (if applicable)
- List of shared mailboxes that this person should have access to (if applicable)
- Additional services needed (PowerFAIDS, ImageNow, etc)
You may include multiple employees in a single request.
Your request will be assigned to our security team. You'll receive an email with instructions once the accounts are created.
Allow 3 business days for TigerNetIDs to be generated. If additional services are needed, allow 2 extra business days.
Removal of Services for Terminated Student Employees