Programs of Study Information
The coursework must follow a structured plan as developed by the departmental graduate committee and can be found in Workday under the Academic Progress tab. The degree program shall include only the courses required for completion of the degree. The student’s graduate committee shall consist of the advisor as chair and two other faculty members as selected by the advisor.
Students are expected to select a minimum one half of their courses (6 hours per semester) from their program of study. Electives not found on their program of study may be taken, with advisor approval, to complete the hours needed to be a full-time student or meet special circumstances. Failure by a student to meet these requirements can result in their dismissal from the program for inadequate progress towards degree.
The student, the advisor, the departmental graduate committee, and the department chair must agree upon any changes in the approved graduate degree program. The advisor must send the amended program to the Graduate School for approval and for inclusion in the student’s file, if changes are made.