2024-2025 Timelines for Academic Departments
The 2024-2025 tenure and promotion timelines reflect the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Fort Hays State University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors and Fort Hays State University/Kansas Board of Regents. Faculty members in tenure-track positions are reviewed for continuation in tenure track in the first and second years at the departmental level; in the third and fourth years at the departmental and college levels; and in the fifth and sixth years at the departmental, college, and university levels. Library faculty members in tenure-track positions are reviewed at the departmental level in first and second years and at the departmental and university levels in the third through sixth years.
Electronic notification of appropriate tenure timelines will be sent to all current tenure-track faculty based on our records at the present time. As new contracts are issued, we will do our best to ensure that the appropriate timeline is given to new tenure-track faculty. However, this responsibility ultimately lies with the chair.
Please note that under the negotiated agreement, the MOA establishes an August 25 deadline for submission of tenure files for faculty in third through sixth years of the tenure process, a November 15 deadline for files of faculty in first and second years of the tenure process, and a September 10 deadline for the submission of promotion files. The 2024-2025 timelines were developed with these deadlines and semester calendars in mind.
Promotion Timelines
Assistant/Associate/Professor track (tenure track and NTT)
Lecturer, Program Specialist, and Librarian tracks
Tenure Timelines:
All Faculty in First and Second Probationary Years
Faculty in Third and Fourth Probationary Years
Faculty in Fifth and Sixth Probationary Years / Library Faculty in Third-Sixth Probationary Years
FHSU Digital Portfolio System information and log in
Tenure and Promotion Resources