Certificates in Art & Design
Intent to Complete a Certificate Form
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Are you interested in gaining a professional edge in the business of art? Art and Design Programs are excited to offer a Certificate in Arts Entrepreneurship which can be added to the BA degree (Studio Art or Art History concentrations) and to any BFA degree. An Arts Entrepreneurship certificate is an excellent addition to the degree programs we offer, providing additional foundational business and marketing readiness, leadership experience, and essential entrepreneurship competency to students interested in art and design-related business ventures such as gallery management, studio management, freelance artist, freelance designer, and business ownership to name a few.
If you are interested in adding a Certificate in Arts Entrepreneurship to your BFA or BA degree,
please visit https://fhsu.edu/art-and-design/academic-programs/index for more information.
Required Courses:
- LDRS 306 Leadership and Team Dynamics (3 credit hours)
- MKT 301 Marketing Principles (3 credit hours)
- ENTR 301 Intro to Entrepreneurship (3 credit hours)
- Choose one elective from any of the four categories below (3 credit hours)
Elective Courses:
All certificate courses listed are offered online and on campus with the exception of ART 653.
- ENTR 350 Opportunity Development and Creativity
- LDRS 302 Intro to Leadership Behavior
- LDRS 310 Fieldwork in Leadership Studies (community component)
- MKT 602 Integrated Marketing Strategies
- MKT 609 Strategic Electronic Marketing
- BCOM 210 Intro to Professional Development
- ACCT 203 Principles of Accounting
Required Courses:
- LDRS 306 Leadership and Team Dynamics (3 credit hours)
- MKT 301 Marketing Principles (3 credit hours)
- ENTR 301 Intro to Entrepreneurship (3 credit hours)
- ART 653 Professional Development in Studio Art (3 credit hours)
If you would like to gain introductory knowledge in the field of graphic design, then our Certificate in Basic Graphic Design is for you! The curriculum emphasizes the fundamental skills and knowledge of graphic design through further exploring the elements and principles of design in relation to a graphic design and advertising standpoint. Introductory courses focus heavily on conceptual thinking, hand-skills, and computer programs used in the profession. The certificate can be combined with any degree program at FHSU. A portfolio is not required for admission.
Required Courses (3 credit hours each):
- ART 243 Graphic Design I
- ART 245 Computer Assisted Graphic Design
- ART 347 Graphic Design II
If you are interested in adding a Certificate in Basic Graphic Design to your current degree program,
visit https://fhsu.edu/art-and-design/academic-programs/index for more information.
If you would like to gain introductory knowledge in the field of graphic design, then our Certificate in Basic Motion Design is for you! The curriculum emphasizes the fundamental skills and knowledge of graphic design through further exploring the elements and principles of design in relation to a graphic design and advertising standpoint. Introductory courses focus heavily on conceptual thinking, hand-skills, and computer programs used in the profession. The certificate can be combined with any degree program at FHSU. A portfolio is not required for admission.
Required Courses for Majors (3 credit hours each):
- ART 449 Video Storytelling
- ART 651 Motion Design I
- ART 475 Motion Design II or ART 652 3D Motion Design
Required Courses for Non-Majors:
- ART 245 Computer Assisted Graphic Design
- ART 449 Video Storytelling
- ART 651 Motion Design I or ART 652 3D Motion Design
If you are interested in adding a Certificate in Basic Motion Design to your current degree program,
visit https://fhsu.edu/art-and-design/academic-programs/index for more information.
Do you enjoy dabbling in interior design and have an interest in learning more? If you would like to gain introductory knowledge in the field of interior design, then our Certificate in Basic Interior Design is for you! The curriculum emphasizes the fundamental skills and knowledge of interior design, architecture, and the visual and decorative arts. Introductory courses focus on drawing and design concepts, thereby building a foundation-level understanding of the technical and aesthetic principles essential to comprehending space planning, color, drafting, and materials and finishes. The certificate can be combined with any degree program at FHSU. A portfolio is not required for admission.
Required Courses (3 credit hours each):
- ART 212 Introduction to Interior Design
- ART 314 Color
- ART 313 History of Interior Design
- ART 351 Human Factors in Interior Design
If you are interested in adding a Certificate in Basic Interior Design, please visit https://fhsu.edu/art-and-design/academic-programs/index for more information.
Art and Design programs are pleased to offer a Certificate in Art History which can be added to any undergraduate degree. A certificate in Art History is an excellent addition to any degree program, providing skills in research, critical thinking, and analysis, as well as offering students a broad range of historical knowledge and the a bility to interpret and assess art objects, everyday images, objects, and the built environment.
Required Course:
- ART 480 Undergraduate Readings (3 credit hours)
Choose two courses from the list below (3 credit hours each):
- ART 481 Ancient Art History
- ART 482 Non-Western Art History
- ART 483 Medieval Art History
- ART 484 Renaissance/Baroque Art History
- ART 486 18 th–19 th Century Art History
- ART 487 20 th Century Art History
*ART 201 and ART 202 are pre-requisites for the other courses and can also be used as general education courses for non-majors.
If you are interested in adding a Certificate in Art History, please visit https://fhsu.edu/art-and-design/academic-programs/index for more information.
Are you interested in the multifaceted field of photography? The Certificate in Photography might be for you! The curriculum provides a foundation for students of any major to be successful photographers. The digital track offers students an introduction to digital imaging. These courses focus on DLSR camera technology, digital editing in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, and the cultivation of each student’s voice in the context of their own creative practice. The hybrid track, which includes both digital and darkroom instruction, allows students to explore the historic foundations of photography as well as contemporary methodologies of digital image-making. The certificate can be combined with any degree program at FHSU. A portfolio is not required for admission.
Required Courses for Majors (3-credit hours each):
- ART 342 Introduction to Digital Photography I
- ART 475 Topics: DIgital Photography II
- Art 645 Problems: DIgital Photography III or ART 246 Photography and Culture*
*Alternative pathway for strictly digital photography
Required Courses for Non-Majors (12 hours required):
- ART 246 Photography and Culture
- ART 342 Introduction to Digital Photography I
- ART 475 Topics: Digital Photography II
- ART 645 Problems: Digital Photography III
Required Courses for Darkroom and Digital (Majors):
- ART 246 Photography and Culture
- ART 342 Introduction to Digital Photography I
- ART 475 Topics: DIgital Photography II
- Art 645 Problems: DIgital Photography III
The Certificate in Studio Art is for Art and Design majors who would like experience in another area and also for non-majors who desire to stay connected with the arts. If you are interested in adding a Certificate in Studio Art to your current degree, please visit https://fhsu.edu/art-and-design/academic-programs/index for more information.
Drawing (9 credit hours):
- ART 410 Drawing III
- ART 615 Problems: Drawing I
- ART 615 Problems: Drawing I (will repeat or take another upper-level drawing class)
Painting (9 credit hours):
- ART 220 Introduction to Painting
- ART 320 Acrylic Painting OR ART 321 Watercolor Painting
- ART 420 Painting
Printmaking (9 credit hours):
- ART 250 Printmaking I
- ART 450 Printmaking III (will repeat)
- ART 450 Printmaking III
Sculpture (9 credit hours):
- ART 230 Sculpture I
- ART 430 Sculpture II
- Choose one of the following:
- ART 635 Problems: Sculpture I
- ART 475 Topics in Art II: Blacksmithing
- ART 475 Topics in Art II: Figurative Sculpture
Ceramics (9 credit hours):
- ART 260 Ceramics I
- ART 360 Ceramics II (repeatable)
- ART 460 Ceramics III (repeatable)
Drawing (12 credit hours):
- ART 101 Drawing I*
- ART 102 Drawing II*
- ART 310 Figure Drawing
- ART 410 Drawing III
Painting (12 credit hours):
- ART 101 Drawing I*
- ART 102 Drawing II*
- ART 220 Introduction to Painting
- ART 320 Acrylic Painting OR ART 321 Watercolor Painting
Printmaking (12 credit hours):
- ART 101 Drawing I*
- ART 102 Drawing II*
- ART 250 Printmaking I
- ART 450 Printmaking III
Sculpture (9 credit hours):
- ART 104 3D Design*
- ART 230 Sculpture I
- ART 430 Sculpture II (repeatable)
- Choose one of the following:
- ART 475 Topics in Art II: Blacksmithing
- ART 475 Topics in Art II: Figurative Sculpture
Ceramics (9 credit hours):
- ART 260 Ceramics I
- ART 360 Ceramics II (repeatable)
- ART 460 Ceramics III (repeatable)
Are you interested in working to make art accessible to all members of the community and want to share your artistic and creative abilities with the public? Would you like to learn how to teach art outside the traditional K-12 system or how to engage your K-12 students in community-based art projects? If so, the certificate in Community Engaged Art is an excellent addition to any FHSU degree for those who wish to participate in and direct authentic community art experiences. We encourage students of any major to pursue this certificate to gain new art skills and share real world experiences with underserved populations within the community. Students who earned this certificate have implemented community engaged art projects in their K-12 classes and also obtained leadership positions in community art centers.
Required Courses (3 credit hours each):
- ART 308 Community Engaged Art (formerly ART 475 Topics in Art II: Social Practice Art)
- ART 608 Community Engaged Art (formerly ART 475 Topics in Art II: Social Practice Art)
- ART 608 Community Engaged Art
How to Reach Us
Art and Design Programs
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Schmidt Foundation Center for Art and Design Room 119
Phone: 785-628-4247
Email: Art & Design
Contact Us
Moss-Thorns Gallery of Art