Course Syllabi
Erica Bittel- Art History (updated)
- ART 480 Readings in Art History
- ART 482 Non-Western Art History
- ART 487 20th Century Art History
- ART 488 Visual Culture
- ART 875 MLS Research
- ART 880 Graduate Readings in Art History
- ART 887 Seminar: 20th Century Art History
- ART 887 Virtual Seminar: 18th and 19th Century Art History
Toby Flores- Sculpture (coming soon)
- ART 104A 3D Design
- ART 104B 3D Design
- ART 230 Sculpture I
- ART 330 Sculpture II
- ART 635 Problems: Sculpture II
Linda Ganstrom- Ceramics (updated)
- ART 260 Ceramics I
- ART 360 Ceramics II
- ART 460 Ceramics III
- ART 665 Problems: Ceramics
- ART 865 Problems: Graduate Ceramics
- ART 899 Thesis: Ceramics
Brittany Gorelick- Printmaking (updated)
- ART 250 Printmaking I
- ART 350 Advanced Printmaking
- ART 600 Exhibition
- ART 655 Individual Investigation
- ART 655 Problems: Printmaking I: Lithography
- ART 655 Problems: Printmaking I: Screenprint
- ART 855 Graduate Seminar
Brian Hutchinson- Art Education (updated)
- ART 101 Drawing I
- ART 277 Early Field Experience
- ART 300 Elementary Art Methods
- ART 400 Secondary School Art
Jee Hwang-(On sabbatical, Instructor Darrel Manis) Painting (coming soon)
- ART 103 A & D 2D Design
- ART 220 Introduction to Painting
- ART 310 Figure Drawing
- ART 420 Painting and Light
- ART 625B Problems: Painting I: Independent Study
- ART 625C Problems: Painting I: Independent Study
Farheen Khan- Interior Design (updated)
- ART 341 Residential Interiors
- ART 352 Commercial Interiors
- ART 485 Professional Development in Interior Design
- ART 492 Capstone I
Molly Koehn- Online Adjunct (updated)
Andrea Moreland- Online Adjunct (coming soon)
Christina Nipper-Karnowski- Online Adjunct (coming soon)
Danielle Robinson- Sculpture (updated)
Lauren Scheele- Online Adjunct (coming soon)
Thomas Giebler- Graphic/Motion Design (updated)
- ART 475 Introduction to Animation
- ART 648 Motion Portfolio
- ART 651 Motion Design I
- ART 652 3D Motion Design
Colin Schmidtberger- Interior Design (updated)
- ART 241 Architectural Drafting
- ART 254 Computer Assisted Interior Design
- ART 313 History of Interior Design
Amy Schmierbach- Drawing (coming soon)
Curt Steckel- Photography (updated)
- ART 244 Black and White Photography I
- ART 246 Photography and Culture
- ART 342 Digital Photography I
- ART 475 Digital Photography II
- ART 600 Exhibition
- ART 645 Problems: Independent Study
- ART 845 Problems: Graduate Photography
Karrie Simpson Voth- Graphic Design (updated)
Chaiwat Thumsujarit- Graphic Design (coming soon)