Get Involved
OER Testimonials
These testimonials were written by students in Cheryl Duffy's Fall 2017 Advanced Composition course who interviewed faculty using OERs.
From Jason Harper, by Shaelin Sweet
From Elodie Jones, by Kinsey Barton
From Dan Kulmala, by Anthony Strickling
Ways to Get Involved
Request a Consultation
Claire Nickerson (; 785.628.4543), Learning Initiatives and OER Librarian, takes search requests for OERs to save faculty time. If you would like her to search for OERs for your course, please email her a description of what types of materials you are looking for along with a recent syllabus, course topics list, or table of contents from your textbook. Claire will be happy to meet with you or simply send you back a list of OERs in your subject area (please allow 1-2 weeks).
Claire can also answer questions about Creative Commons licensing, copyright, free-to-use media, and OER creation.
Get Your Feet Wet
You may not be comfortable replacing all of your course materials with OERs. Or there may not be comprehensive OERs, such as open textbooks, available for your subject area yet. That's okay! Consider getting your feet wet by supplementing your existing curriculum with OERs or replacing just a little bit of commercially published material. You might be surprised at what's available. There are openly licensed videos, open podcasts, open lesson plans, games, interactive modules, and more. Simply replacing a commercially published textbook with an open textbook isn't your only option.
Join an OER Organization
If you are interested in learning more about or promoting OERs, there are a number of organizations you can get involved with: