Leadership Teams and Committees
Executive Leadership Team

Dr. Tisa Mason

Vice President Academic Affairs

Vice President
Administration and Finance

Vice President
Student Affairs

Joe Bain
General Counsel
Presidents' Roundtable

Faculty Senate
Assistant Professor, Informatics

Bob Duffy
University Staff Senate
Drug and Alcohol Counselor

Ella Burrows
Student Government Association
Executive Leadership Team
Purpose: Serves in an advisory role to the president to establish and communicate a clear vision and strategy to the university community. Together the Executive Leadership team will build strong functional teams which understand their role in executing strategy and are staffed with talented leaders who hold their teams and individual team members accountable for results.
Meetings: Meet Monday mornings, 9-11
Designated Members: president, provost and vice president for academic affairs, vice president for administration and finance, vice president for student affairs, and general counsel
Presidents' Roundtable
Purpose: To share the work being done/priorities within each governance group (Faculty Senate, University Staff Senate, and Student Government), expand perspectives, create opportunities for collaboration, and enhance communication.
Meetings: Meet every other week, one hour
Designated Members: president, faculty senate president, university staff senate president, student government president
Senior Leadership Team
Purpose: Serves in a consultative and coordinative role to the executive leadership team.
Meetings: Meet second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 9-10:30
Designated Members: executive leadership, associate provost for academic affairs, assistant provost of teaching innovation and learning technologies, deans, athletics director, director of facilities planning, assistant vice president of information technology and CIO, governmental relations, associate vice president for student affairs/enrollment management, strategic plan co-chairs
Purpose: Serves in an advisory role to the president to vet, discuss, and recommend revised and new campus policy as well as to enhance communication by sharing information across campus constituencies and helping to identify information gaps.
Meetings: Meet the fourth Wednesday of the month. Designated members are asked to be present or to ensure constituent representation. These meetings are open to the campus.
Designated Members: FHSU president; direct reports to the president; direct reports to vice presidents; president/CEO of the Foundation; presidents of the faculty senate, university staff senate, and student government; president of AAUP.
University Values Committee
Purpose: A strong, healthy organization is one which is clear about the values it espouses and consistently demonstrates those values in how the organization and its community behaves. Our values must be embedded throughout our university and intentionally designed in processes focused on recruiting and hiring, performance management, compensation, recognition – and especially in the decisions made at the cabinet level and throughout the University.
Appointments: Appointed by President.
Meetings: As needed.
University Support Staff Disciplinary Action Appeals
Purpose: Fort Hays State University Disciplinary Action Hearing Board hears appeals of disciplinary actions taken to suspend, demote or dismiss a university support staff member with permanent status.
How Appointed: Appointed by President for a three-year term.
Meeting Frequency: The committee shall convene as needed.