Psychological Testing Clinic
In 2020, the National Institute of Mental Health reported that 21.0% (52.9 million) of U.S. adults age 18 or older encountered challenges with mental illness. Young adults were found to have the highest prevalence rate of 30.6%. Increasing access to high quality behavioral health services for those with mental health challenges remains one of the most challenging problems the United States healthcare system faces.
The Psychological Testing Clinic at FHSU is a resource established to help fill this need in the local community for additional psychological services. Local and State service agencies collaborated during the development of clinic and its mission. The clinic seeks to provide service to Fort Hays State University as well as local and global communities within the realm of psychology.
The Psychological Testing Clinic is also a teaching and training clinic for master’s level psychology students at Fort Hays State University. The students engage in the administration of the psychological tests, summaries, and interpretations are completed by a psychology graduate student under the direct guidance and supervision of a licensed professional in the field. This opportunity allows for hands on learning and growth into the professional work the students may be completing in their future careers.
Referral Source
The testing clinic is open to the community for self-referrals or referrals from local practicing professionals or mental health agencies who want psychological testing completed. All referrals will be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine adequate eligibility for clinic services. The clinic is seeking to expand its partnerships with local community providers and agencies in order to become a well-regarded resource for psychological assessments to be completed. Anyone interested in collaborating with the Psychological Testing Clinic may contact the Clinic Coordinator for any additional information.
Testing Fees
The Psychological Testing Fee is $400.00* (Cash, Check, or Money Order only). The Psychological Testing Clinic is focusing on expansion and welcomes referrals and interested parties from areas within Ellis and the surrounding counties. Opportunity for income-based fees for testing can be explored so please do not hesitate to contact us and determine what may be feasible.
- Payment is due at the time services begin. The average evaluation consists of approximately three appointments, and this fee covers those appointments.
- 24-hour advanced cancelation is required. An additional $50 fee will be applied for failure to notify of a cancelation within 24-hours of the scheduled appointment.
- Current FHSU students will pay a flat fee of $100 for testing services.
The Psychological Testing Clinic’s normal operation hours are Monday – Friday by appointment only. Evaluations are typically scheduled on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Contact the FHSU Psychological Testing Clinic to schedule your appointment and begin working toward a better understanding of self!
Contact Us
Phone: 785-628-4558
Referral Forms
Completed forms will be reviewed by the Testing Clinic Office and we will reach out to you for appointment scheduling.
If you are a provider and/or agency referring a person for testing services: Please fill out the Psychological Testing Referral Form
If you are the individual who is being referred OR a person who wants to be seen for an evaluation without a referral from another provider and/or agency: Please fill out the FHSU Clinic Triage Form*
*Please complete the FHSU Clinic Triage Form first; a Clinic staff member will review your triage form to determine if your needs can be served by our clinic or if a community referral would be more appropriate.
Student Practice Sessions
If you are a student at FHSU who wants to begin practice sessions with one of our psychologists-in-training AND have been instructed by your professor that you can receive extra credit: Please fill out the Practice Client Information Form**
**This is NOT a testing clinic form.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. PEP21-07-01-003, NSDUH Series H-56). Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Retrieved from