Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook
Chapter 3 -- Faculty: Employment, Tenure, Promotion, and Merit
Unclassified Contract Policy
Unclassified salary contracts should be prepared in the following way:
1. Contracts for continuing persons: The Budget Office is responsible for preparation of all contracts of continuing tenured faculty and administrative personnel. The Provost's office will prepare probationary (tenure track) contracts. The Provost or the Vice President responsible will prepare contracts for other unclassified continuing persons requiring temporary or part-time contracts.
2. Contracts for those not prepared in the initial run: The Provost or the Vice President is responsible for preparing the contracts for their area after the initial contract run is made by the Budget Office. A contract request form is to be prepared by the budget unit requesting an unclassified position. The form is to be approved by the Dean/Director, if applicable, the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, if applicable, by the Director of Budget and the Provost or Vice President responsible. The approved request form is to be attached to the contract for the President's review. Any contract request form requesting FTE and/or dollars in excess of the amount approved for the position by the President during the annual salary setting process is to be attached to the contract for the President's approval or rejection. Contracts requiring seasonal monies must have an approved form attached and signed by the Provost.
3. a) Contracts should not be issued for periods beyond the end of the fiscal year; b) appointments without FTE should not be made for more than one semester in length and will not receive fringe benefits; c) all restricted-use (grant funded) contracts with FTE should be written on a temporary contract form.
4. The appropriate Vice President will review the contracts for their area while the Provost will review the contracts for the academic areas. The final contracts will be submitted to the President for his/her signature. After signing, the President's Office will return the contracts to the Provost for mailing to individuals. Individually signed contracts will be returned to the Provost. The Provost and Vice Presidents as well as the President's staff, will return their contracts to the Office of the Provost. The original contract will be sent to the Provost for inclusion in the university personnel file with remaining copies distributed to the appropriate persons.
5. The Budget Office will assist whenever requested.
Approved by Cabinet (08-08-90).
Updated (07-01-04).