Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook
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Chapter 3 -- Faculty: Employment, Tenure, Promotion, and Merit
Salaries, Supplemental Appointments
- Instruction, scholarly activity, and service include activities as defined in MOA Article VII: Workload.
- Supplemental appointments include those for instruction, scholarly activity, and service during the fall, intersession, spring, and summer terms.
- A “unit” will be considered the equivalent of one credit hour of instruction.
- A faculty member who is willing may be awarded supplemental appointments as needed by the department, college, or university.
- Department chairs will evaluate the faculty members’ performance of supplemental appointment activities. The results of the evaluations will be utilized by department chairs and deans in awarding future supplemental appointments, but will not be used in annual merit review, promotion, or tenure decisions. The rationale for this guideline is to maintain a level playing field in that not all faculty will or can be offered supplemental appointment opportunities. However, scholarly activities are evaluated on an ongoing basis without regard to the timeframe in which they are performed.
Policies and Procedures
- The Department Chair shall, in consultation with the faculty member, prepare a staffing plan to support department needs and submit it to the Dean. The awarding of supplemental appointments shall reflect programmatic and enrollment considerations. In preparing the staffing plan, the Chair shall propose the utilization of the expertise available among qualified full-time departmental faculty and qualified part-time instructors. Ordinarily, the Chair shall make a decision based upon the order listed above and if several individuals are interested and equally qualified to teach the course then academic rank and time at FHSU may be considered. The Chair will always award supplemental appointments based upon the best interests of department and student needs.
- After receiving all of the proposed staffing plans, and in consultation with the Department Chair, the College Dean shall prepare a proposed program and submit it to the Provost. The Provost will then prepare the program for the University.
Remuneration and Limitations
- If the supplemental contract is for instruction, all faculty will be compensated at a rate of remuneration of 2.22 percent of the faculty’s base salary per unit.
- If the faculty member provides scholarly or service activities requested and approved by the department chair, then a rate of remuneration equal to 2.22 percent of the faculty’s base salary for each unit. Number, expectations, and duties comprising units of scholarship or service shall be negotiated between the faculty member and the Chairperson and approved by the Dean and/or Provost.
- Normally, a faculty member’s supplemental appointments cannot exceed nine (9) units per term. Exceptions to this rule may be made in consultation with the faculty member, Chair, and Dean.
- This remuneration policy shall not apply to supplemental appointments where external funding sources (e.g., grants, appointments) can support the full salary of a faculty member, either totally or by supplementing internally allocated dollars.
- Faculty holding 12-month appointments are expected to contribute to the summer session program. This generally means teaching a minimum of two courses during the summer session. Exceptions to this expectation can be made by the appropriate Chair and Dean in consultation with the faculty member.
- Courses in supplemental appointment status are compensated based on a minimum of 10 undergraduate/graduate students in all 100-699 level courses (stand alone courses) and a minimum of 5 graduate students in all courses numbered 800 level and above. New or experimental courses may be an exception to this general rule as determined by the appropriate dean with the approval of the provost. Student enrollment will be calculated: 1) at the end of the second day of classes for a two -week course; 2) at the end of the fourth day of classes for a four-week course; 3) at the end of the eighth day of classes for an eight-week course; and 4) at the end of the twentieth day of classes for a sixteen-week course. The faculty member’s signature on the supplemental appointment form implies consent with the prorating of salary as necessary. A faculty member may rescind a supplemental contract if the faculty member believes the class size will not be adequate for full payment by notifying the Provost no later than 18 calendar days before the first day of classes for that course.
- The appropriate faculty member and Department Chair, in consultation with the Dean, will establish the maximum number of students to be enrolled in the courses. The key criteria in determining the appropriate maximum will be “quality of education” and other pedagogical considerations. Permission to exceed a course maximum must be approved by the appropriate faculty member and Department Chair.
- The University will provide development funding for newly designed and redesigned online courses.
- Supplemental appointments are voluntary and not mandatory.
Updated to correlate with AAUP MOA (08-31-22).