Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook
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Major Updates Since July 2000
Policy | Revision Notes |
Admission and Academic Policy, Academic Regulations | Chapter 7 |
Advising, Changing Advisor/Major | Revised 9/09, Chapter 2 |
Advising, Faculty Hours | Revised 2/09, Chapter 2 |
Advising, Grade Reports | Revised 7/07, revised 7/08, revised 4/13, Chapter 2 |
Alcohol, Service and Consumption of, on Campus | Revised 7/06, revised 6/13, revised 5/14, revised 9/16 Chapter 1 |
Animals in Research and Education, Care and Use of, | New policy added 6/12, Chapter 4 |
Appointments | Revised 4/10, revised 7/19, Chapter 3 |
Blackboard Automated Course Creation Policy | New policy added 10/09, revised 7/11, revised 6/12, Chapter 2 |
Building Access Policy and Procedure | Key System Policy revised and renamed Building Access 2/16, revised 9/19, Chapter 6 |
Campus Facilities, Use of | Revised 7/06, revised 9/11, revised 10/14, Chapter 1 |
Campus Posting Policy | Revised 7/06, revised 3/07, revised 10/10, revised 10/14, revised 3/18, Chapter 8 |
Capital Assets Inventory | Inventories policy revised and renamed Capital Assets Inventory 1/16, Chapter 6 |
Cell Phone Policy | New policy added 7/11, revised 7/18, Chapter 6 |
Change to Official Registration (Add/Withdrawal) | Revised 7/14, Chapter 7 |
Child Sexual Abuse Reporting | New policy added 2/12, revised 1/16, Chapter 1 |
Code of Conduct | Revised 9/15, Chapter 7 |
Commencement | Revised 6/08, Chapter 4 |
Commitment of Time, Conflict of Interest, Consulting and Other Employment Policies of the Board of Regents | Revised 6/13, revised 8/24, Chapter 4 |
Computing Resources, Use of | Revised 7/06, revised 6/08, Chapter 1 |
Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time Reporting Procedures | Revised into Commitment of Time policy 7/2, Chapter 4 |
Consensual Romantic Relationships Involving Students | New policy replaced Consenting Relations Policy 9/19, Chapter 4 |
Contracts and Contractual Authority | revised 9/15, Chapter 6 |
Credit Card Security | New policy added 6/09, Chapter 6 |
Credit Hour Definition, Compliance, and Review | New policy added 12/17, Chapter 2 |
Crime Reporting | New policy added 7/09, Chapter 1 |
Criminal Background Checks for Employees, Policies and Procedures | New policy added 10/08, Chapter 1 |
Criminal Background Checks for Students Engaging in Clinicals | New policy added 7/06, name change 10/08, revised 6/11, Chapter 1 |
Crowdfunding/Crowdsourcing, Campus-wide | New policy added 7/19, Chapter 6 |
Data Classification | New policy added 12/17, Chapter 6 |
Deposit of Cash Receipts | Chapter 6 |
Digital Signage | New policy added 12/17, Chapter 8 |
Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure | Replaced Protected Class and Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure 9/11, Chapter 1 |
Drug and Alcohol Policy | Drug-Free Workplace policy revised 7/14, replaced by Drug and Alcohol Policy 7/16, Chapter 4 |
Educational Travel | New policy added 1/07, Chapter 6 |
Information Access and Technology policies | Electronically Stored Information, new policy added 6/08, Chapter 6, incorporated into multiple Information Access and Technology policies 3/17 |
Email Policy | New policy added 12/17, revised 12/18, Chapter 6 |
Emotional Support Animal Policy | New policy added 11/18, Chapter 1 |
Employment of Non-U.S. Citizen | New policy added 11/06, revised 3/08, Chapter 1 |
Endpoint Protection and Configuration | new policy added 10/17, Chapter 6 |
Equal Employment Opportunity Program | Revised, name change from Affirmative Action 7/08, Notice of Accessibility revised 7/10, revised 10/11, Chapter 1 |
Evacuation of Facilities | New policy added 7/16, revised 9/19, Chapter 1 |
Export Controls | New policy added 2/14, revised 1/16, Chapter 4 |
Extramural Funding | Revised, name change from Policy on Research Incentives 10/08, Chapter 4 |
Faculty Approval Policy and Process | Chapter 3 |
Faculty Authored Textbooks | New policy added 6/07, Chapter 2 |
Faculty and Unclassified Staff handbook | Revised 1/07, Chapter 1 |
Faculty Office Space, Provision and Use of , | Chapter 4 |
Faculty Senate Bylaws | Revised 1/07, revised 9/11, revised 6/13, revised 3/14, revised 5/24, Chapter 2 |
Faculty Senate Standing Rules | Revised 9/19, revised 5/24, Chapter 2 |
FHSU Faculty Seeking Terminal Degrees, University Support of | New policy added 1/07, revised 9/16, Chapter 4 |
Fringe Benefits | Revised 7/11, revised 12/15, Chapter 6 |
Gifts and Hospitality for Unclassified State Employees | Chapter 4 |
Gifts, Prizes, Awards and Promotional Items Purchased | New policy added 7/11, Chapter 6 |
Graduate School | Graduate School Appeals, new policy added 11/08, revised 10/15, revised 9/17, revised 2/18, link directly to Graduate School page 7/24, Chapter 7 |
Harassment Policy | Policy revised 9/11, 9/16, Chapter 1 |
Hazing Policy | New policy added 7/06, revised 12/18, Chapter 7 |
Holiday Observations | Policy revised 11/08, Chapter 4 |
Human Subjects Research | New policy added 10/14, Chapter 4 |
Identity Theft Prevention | New policy added 7/09, revised 12/18, Chapter 1 |
Inclement Weather Policy | New policy added 7/19, revised 2/20, Chapter 1 |
Individual Financial Conflict of Interest | New policy added 7/13, Chapter 4 |
Information Security | New policy added 10/17, Chapter 6 |
Instructional Procedures-Class Schedule Policy, Examinations | Revised 1/07, Chapter 2 |
Instructional Procedures-Class Schedule Policy, Class Record Book, Grades | Revised 7/07, revised 7/11, revised 8/11, revised 4/13, Chapter 2 |
Instructional Procedures-Transfer of Pass/No Credit Grades | New policy section added 1/14, Chapter 2 |
Key System Policy and Procedure | Revised 1/07, revised 1/13, revised and renamed Building Access 2/16, Chapter 6 |
Language Competency | Revised 12/08, revised 9/13, link to KBOR manual 7/19, Chapter 3 |
Leaves Fulbright Leaves | Leaves, revised 3/07, revised 7/10, Fulbright Leaves added 6/09, revised 9/15, revised 7/19, Chapter 5 |
Meningitis Policy | New policy added 7/06, removed from Handbook 8/24, Chapter 7 |
Misconduct in Research | Revised 12/14, revised 2/19, Chapter 4 |
Missing Students Policy | New policy added 6/09, revised 7/16, Chapter 7 |
Mobile Computing Security Policy (Endpoint Protection Policy) | Mobile Computing Security Policy, new policy added 4/07, Chapter 1, incorporated into Endpoint Protection Policy 3/17 |
NACUBO Code of Ethics | Policy added 3/07, Chapter 6 |
Nepotism | (Formerly Employment of Relatives/Conflict of Interest), revised 12/12, Chapter 1 |
Notice of Non-Discrimination, Notice of Accessibility and Equal Employment Opportunity (Formerly Affirmative Action) Program | Revised, name change from Equal Employment Opportunity Program 10/11, revised 6/14, Chapter 1 |
Offices and Assigned Space, Personalization and Modifications of | Revised 12/11, Chapter 6 |
Official Hospitality | Revised 1/07, revised 6/12, Chapter 1 |
Official Travel | Revised 11/06, revised 1/07, revised 3/20, Chapter 6 |
Operating Paper for the Graduate School (Graduate School Handbook) | Operating Paper for the Graduate School, revised 1/07, revised 6/10, revised 4/15, revised 9/17, revised 7/18, revised 2/21, link directly to Graduate School Handbook 7/24, Chapter 2 |
Overload/Replacement/Part-Time Adjunct/Professional Unclassified Staff (Salaries, Part-Time Adjunct / Professional Unclassified Staff) | Overload/Replacement/Part-Time Adjunct/Professional Unclassified Staff, name changed and policy revised 1/14, see Salaries, Part-Time Adjunct / Professional Unclassified Staff 8/24, Chapter 3 |
Participant Support | New policy added 7/13, Chapter 4 |
Pass/No Credit Policy | Revised 7/14, Chapter 2 |
Physical Security of Data Center and University Data | New policy added 12/17, Chapter 6 |
Policy Development and Publication, University | New policy added 4/11, revised 1/16, revised 3/18, revised 11/18, Chapter 1 |
Policy, Criteria, and Procedures for Determining Annual Merit, Promotion, and Tenure Recommendations, Part II: Duties and Criteria, B2 | Revised 7/08, Chapter 3 |
Policy, Criteria, and Procedures for Determining Annual Merit, Promotion, and Tenure Recommendations, Part III: Annual Merit | Revised 7/12, Chapter 3 |
Policy, Criteria, and Procedures for Determining Annual Merit, Promotion, and Tenure Recommendations, Part IV: Promotion, E | Revised 7/18, Chapter 3 |
Policy, Criteria, and Procedures for Determining Annual Merit, Promotion, and Tenure Recommendations, Part V: Tenure, A3 (General Policy on Notification Procedure) | Revised 6/07, Chapter 3 |
Policy, Criteria, and Procedures for Determining Annual Merit, Promotion, and Tenure Recommendations, Part V: Tenure, G3 | Revised 7/18, Chapter 3 |
Policy, Criteria, and Procedures for Determining Annual Merit, Promotion, and Tenure Recommendations, Part V: Tenure, H1 | Revised 6/09, Chapter 3 |
Policy, Criteria, and Procedures for Determining Annual Merit, Promotion, and Tenure Recommendations, Part V: Tenure, H6 | Revised 7/18, Chapter 3 |
Policy on Research Incentives (Extramural Funding) | Policy on Research Incentives, replaced by Extramural Funding, Chapter 4 |
Policy Guidelines for the Establishment of Endowed and Named Faculty Appointment | Chapter 3 |
Political Activity of Faculty | Revised 6/13, Chapter 1 |
Political Activity by State Employees | Revised 2/13, Chapter 4 |
Possession, Use and Storage of Firearms and Weapons on Campus (Gun Policy) | Possession, Use and Storage of Firearms and Weapons on Campus, new policy added 11/06, revised 10/08, replaced with Gun Policy 1/17, Chapter 1 |
Post-Tenure Review | policy added from MOA 1/16, Chapter 3, link directly to MOA 8/22 |
Postage | Revised 7/13, revised 9/15, Chapter 6 |
Posthumous Degrees | New policy added 6/07, revised 9/16, Chapter 1 |
Printing Services | Updated 7/10, revised 9/15, Chapter 6 |
Privacy Rights | Revised 9/14, revised 3/18, chapter 7 |
Privacy of Student Financial Information Policy | Revised and renamed 2/19, Chapter 7 |
Procedures for Approval of New Courses and Programs | Chapter 2 |
Professional Dues | Revised 8/24, Chapter 4 |
Program Discontinuance of Undergraduate Programs | Updated 1/08, Chapter 2 |
Program Specialist, Position Descriptions | Revised 1/07, Chapter 3 |
Proposal Preparation and Submission Guidelines for Sponsored Projects | New policy added 4/12, Chapter 4 |
Purchasing Procedures (Purchasing Office) | Purchasing Procedures, revised 7/12, revised 10/17, revised 7/19, Chapter 6, link directly to Purchasing Office 7/24 |
Recruitment for Vacant Positions | Revised 12/17, Chapter 3 |
Regents Distinguished Professorship | Revised 6/13, link to KBOR manual 7/19, Chapter 3 |
Resignations, Exit Interview | Revised 1/07, Chapter 5 |
Retirement | Revised 4/07, revised 7/09, revised 7/11, revised health care bridge 7/19, revised basic retirement 8/24, Chapter 5 |
Retirement, Phased Retirement | Policy added to 7/11, Chapter 5 |
Safe Possession, Use and Storage of Weapons on Campus (Gun Policy) | New policy added 1/17, Chapter 1 |
Safeguarding Student Financial Information (Privacy of Student Financial Information Policy) | Safeguarding Student Financial Information, policy added 3/07, replaced by Privacy of Student Financial Information Policy 2/19, Chapter 7 |
Safety, Workplace and Campus | New policy added 6/09, Chapter 1 |
Salaries, FHSU Online (Salaries, Supplemental Appointments) | Salaries, FHSU Online revised and renamed Salaries, Supplemental Appointments, 8/22, Chapter 3 |
Salaries, Part-Time Adjunct / Professional Unclassified Staff | Policy revised 12/15, revised 6/17, revised 8/22, revised 8/24, Chapter 3 |
Salaries, Seasonal | Policy revised 8/22, Chapter 3 |
Security Awareness and Training | New policy added 12/17, Chapter 6 |
Sexual Harassment and Violence | New policy 9/16, Chapter 1 |
Skateboards, Skates and Bicycles | Chapter 1 |
Statement on Degree Completion Monies | Chapter 4 |
Standing Rules and Bylaws of the Faculty Senate | Chapter 2 |
Student Grievances and Complaints | New policy added 7/13, revised 8/16, Chapter 7 |
Study Abroad, Faculty-Led | New policy added 7/11, Chapter 2 |
Summer Session Purpose, Expectations, Policies, and Procedures | Revised 7/06, Chapter 3 |
Terminal Degree Requirements | Revised 12/07, revised 7/08, revised 7/09, revised 7/10, revised 7/11, revised 12/11, revised 10/12, revised 10/13, revised 7/14, revised 5/15, revised 3/18, revised 4/22, Chapter 4 |
Timely Warnings to the University Community | Bew policy added 6/09, revised 4/16, Chapter 1 |
Tobacco Usage Policy | Revised 6/08, revised 9/10, revised 1/12, revised 5/14, revised 2/18, Chapter 1 |
Transfer Credit Policies and Procedures | New section added 7/10, revised 6/13, Chapter 2 |
Travel and Subsistence Allowance for Candidates Interviewed | Revised 7/13, Chapter 3 |
Tuition Assistance Program for Employees, Spouses and Dependents | Policy added 1/07, revised 6/13, revised 9/15, revised 7/18, revised 11/18, Chapter 1 |
Unclassified Contract Policy | Revised 7/04, Chapter 3 |
Unclassified Professional Staff | Chapter 3 |
Unclassified Professional Staff Furloughs or Pay Reductions | New Policy added 6/09, Chapter 3 |
Visitor Parking | Revised 6/13, Chapter 6 |
Website Advertising | New policy added 7/06, Chapter 1 |
Whistleblower Policy | New policy added 9/16, Chapter 4 |