Information on Blood Alcohol Level
Your blood alcohol level directly corresponds to specific changes in feelings, behavior and physiological functions. The information below shows the changes that result as your alcohol level increases.
Blood Alcohol Level: Influences on Feelings and Behavior
.00 - .04
- Acts as a stimulant
- People experience positive feelings
- No brain functions impaired
- Reason may be impaired due to lower inhibitions
.05 - .06
- Acts as a depressant
- Effects begin to change mood, behavior and driving ability
- Stronger emotions--elation, mood swings
- Desire for more to drink
- Slower reaction time
.07 - .10
- Poor judgment
- Loss of coordination
- Inflated sense of self as soon as inhibitions are lowered
.11 - .15
- Major impairment of all physical/mental functions
- Irresponsible behavior
- Difficulty standing, walking, talking
- Intoxication
- Unsteady, clumsy
- Boisterous
- Speech impaired
.16 - .20
- Confusion
- Dazed
- Need assistance walking
- Severe intoxication
- Increased severity of all negative effects
- Pass-out zone
.21 - .28
- Vital centers affected
- Minimal comprehension
- Decreased sensibility
- Semi-conscious
- Semi-coma
.29 - .60
- Death is possible
- Absence of perception
- Nearly completely anesthetized
- Semi-coma--heart stops
- Depressed central nervous system