Application to Receive Global Leadership Certificate
This certificate will develop leaders with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to lead positive change globally. Students in this program will learn how to facilitate change within their local, civic, and organizational surroundings while also acting with a social responsibility to address world issues. The requirements are as follows:
- LDRS 300 Introduction to Leadership Concepts (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 407 Global Challenges (3 Credit Hours)
- LDRS 660 Global Leadership (3 Credit Hours)
- SOC 460 Comparative Cultures and Societies - or -
Approved Study Abroad Experience (3 Credit Hours)
Total Required hours: 12
After completing the certificate requirements, submit this form electronically to Leadership Programs for approval. Please ensure that all information on the form is accurate and up to date. Your certificate will be issued within 4-6 weeks of the approval date.