Your gift of any size promotes affordability and inspires the future by allowing Leadership Programs to:
Provide Student Scholarships
Goal - $25,000 over the next five years
A substantial scholarship program is vital to the Department of Leadership Program's ability to assist outstanding students. These gifts can be established through annual giving or endowed named funds. The departmental goal is to raise $25,000 over the next five years for student scholarships. These monies would enable Leadership Programs to award ten (to virtual and on-campus students) $500 scholarships annually for five years.
Voss Advanced Leadership Undergraduate Experience (VALUE)
Goal - $110,000 over the next five years.
The VALUE program is primarily supported using donor funding. Opportunities to enrich the experiences of our VALUE student scholars are numerous. Gifts toward the VALUE program will provide our student scholars with opportunities to perform undergraduate research, master their leadership potential by attending collegiate leadership conferences nationwide, and give them the support needed to complete their dedicated projects. Other contributions will support the Department's ability to offer participants scholarships and attend speaking engagements throughout the state. Finally, gifts will fund a full-time faculty appointment and a graduate assistantship to guide the VALUE student scholars through their educational and inspiring experiences in the VALUE program. Click here for more information on the VALUE program.
Create Seed Monies for LDRS 310: Field Work in Leadership Programs Course.
Goal - $5,000 over the next five years
LDRS 310: Field Work in Leadership Studies provides students with direct experiences of the leadership process by initiating change in the community through a service-learning project. Service learning is an effective teaching method to enhance students' understanding and commitment to civic issues and develop their capacities to initiate change. Resources for this fund would assist students with small project expenses throughout the semester. Click here to view LDRS 310 projects and project highlights.
Increase Student Study Abroad and International Opportunities
Goal - $10,000 every other year for six years
In an ever-increasing global environment, students need direct experiences and first-hand knowledge of international perspectives to be more effective as global citizen leaders. This resource will provide leadership students with short-term or long-term study abroad opportunities. Click on this link to review past Leadership Programs and study abroad experiences.
Enhance Faculty Teaching Opportunities
Goal - $15,000 per year for three years
As FHSU continues to succeed in providing education, service, and research opportunities in record numbers, enhancing the institution's infrastructure is crucial. FHSU can no longer rely on state revenue to meet the increasing demand for operating dollars in this economic environment. Departmental units within the university must find creative and collaborative ways to expand programming and services to ensure the educational experience for our growing registration remains at the highest standards. We seek funding for a 9-month, full-time faculty member position, including teaching responsibilities in the Department of Leadership Program and administrative duties within the Center for Civic Leadership. This will be a split and shared work between both university units.
To support any of the Department of Leadership Programs initiatives, click here.