Frequently Asked Questions
View FHSU's mission statement and history from our about section.
FHSU's governance model is outlined on the Office of the Provost page.
A list of the colleges and their associated departments is available on the Departments and Colleges page.
Department chairs and content area experts within the appropriate department recruit and select adjunct and FHSU Online faculty.
A doctorate is preferred. A master's degree is required. Please pay attention to any other required qualifications listed in the position for which you are applying.
While teaching experience is preferred, it is not necessarily required.
Not typically. FHSU is proud to employ faculty from all over the world. With a rich Internet environment and a dedicated faculty support team, FHSU can support you, regardless of where you live.
While particular expectations vary by department, all adjunct and FHSU Online faculty are expected to respond to university communications (whether from students or campus personnel) within 48 hours, complete all grading in a timely manner, maintain their Blackboard Gradebooks and utilize the Early Alert. Also, faculty members are expected to provide their academic departments with complete contact information
FHSU uses Blackboard and Blackboard Ultra. Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies (TILT) offers trainings in Blackboard throughout the year, as well as live support. In addition, there are tutorials available for faculty at any time via FHSU's Atomic Learning account.
FHSU offers in-house training classes for new adjuncts and FHSU Online faculty. These classes will give you some of the basics of teaching online, as well as cover the technologies that FHSU uses most. Departments are supportive of adjunct faculty, with experienced mentors to guide you. The university's focus on quality means that we support our faculty so that they may succeed in the classroom, whether that classroom is on-campus or online.
Most faculty who have taught online actually feel teaching online is more challenging. While the online environment provides a great deal of flexibility, instructors must be very clear in all communications, quick to respond to student concerns and questions, and proficient at discussing content in an online environment.
No. A number of virtual classes are taught by full-time, on-campus faculty.
Each department has specific provisions for adjuncts and FHSU Online faculty. Some maintain a Blackboard course site as a repository of resources; others utilize social media as a platform for interaction and support. Some department chairs Zoom their adjuncts on a regular basis.
Pay for adjunct faculty varies depending on years of service. Adjunct and FHSU Online faculty pay schedules vary based on registration and course delivery method. For more details on payroll, contact the Human Resource Office.
Support for Blackboard and various teaching technologies is provided through Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies (TILT). Support for faculty email issues is provided through TigerTech.
Adjunct and FHSU Online teaching assignments are based on need and availability within the departments. There are adjuncts who teach only one course each fall or spring, and others who teach several courses each semester.
Human Resources follow a hiring and onboarding process which is followed by Technology Services activating the access to the technology platforms you'll need to teach. After that, there's a checklist to make sure you get oriented as a new adjunct or FHSU Online faculty of FHSU.
By coming to Fort Hays State University, you become a Tiger. By upholding the Tiger Pact, you become a member of the Tiger Family.
The procedure for this is under review and the new process will be provided soon. In the meantime, please reach out directly to the departments that interest you.
In the January 2022 Human Resources Newsletter, they define two types of non-benefits eligible faculty.
- Adjunct Faculty - An employee that teaches on-campus courses. Period Activity Pay (PAP) is initiated by their department within Workday, which generates a contract step for that semester. The appointment form is done outside of Workday and is mailed or emailed to the faculty member by the HR Office.
- FHSU Online Faculty - An employee that teaches online courses. Appointment forms are generated by the HR Office after receiving a SharePoint Workflow request assigning that instructor to a course. The compensation for these courses is uploaded after the 20th day enrollment count, due to proration based on enrollments.
In order to obtain access to FHSU email, new faculty must complete the appropriate Technology Services Procedures.
All faculty and staff receive an Outlook email account ( This is the official communication tool used by FHSU to distribute information to FHSU faculty and staff.
FHSU Technology Services also provides a Google mail account ( for everyone associated with FHSU. For students, this is the standard email address. For faculty and staff, this is an "extra" account. Many faculty use this account to access Google Apps, and then use these Apps within their classes. Of course, some faculty do not use their Google FHSU email account, and that is fine too. This account is, more or less, for faculty to do with as they please.
For more information about faculty email, contact TigerTech.
An option many faculty use to simplify their access, is to add Outlook email account to their phones/tablets.
Contact Blackboard Support or consult a number of brief tutorials at the Blackboard On Demand Learning Center or through your Atomic Learning account. Your Atomic Learning account can be accessed from your menu bar within Blackboard.
Federal financial aid is based partly on days of attendance. Depending on when a student drops, s/he may be held responsible for a portion of tuition and fees. Holding students accountable helps prevent financial aid fraud, protecting FHSU's financial integrity. For more information on last date of attendance concerns, contact May Schumacher in student fiscal services.
Adjunct pay schedules vary based on registration and course delivery method. For more details on payroll, contact the Human Resource Office.
There are several benefits to working at Fort Hays State University. Refer to the Benefits for Adjunct Faculty (PDF) for information about the benefits are available from anywhere and the benefits that are available in Hays, KS.
Access to the Tiger Fitness Center in Cunningham Hall is available to all FHSU faculty free to charge (including adjuncts and FHSU Online faculty). You just need your Tiger ID Card to enter the Tiger Fitness Center. If you are interested in a family membership for the Wellness Center, you will need to visit the Intramural Office in Cunningham Hall 111 to pay for adding family members to the benefit.
Each department has received information and multiple communications from the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee to encourage them to implement the Best Practices for Supporting Adjunct Faculty, which has ideas for including, communicating and supporting adjuncts.
Yes, view the checklist of recommendations for new adjunct hires.
In the Faculty Handbook see page 47: Faculty Hours.
In the Faculty Handbook see page 48: Change or Adoption of Textbooks and pages 34-35: Faculty-Authored Textbooks.
In the Faculty Handbook see page 109: Complimentary Copies.
Expenses incurred by adjunct faculty teaching courses are reimbursed through the academic department for which the faculty member is teaching. All required expenses should be approved through the department chair before proceeding with any purchases.
Forsyth Library offers a guide to copyright for both instructors and students.
For an overview of FHSU's official policies, visit our policies page.
Information on intellectual property policies is available in the handbook.
Information can be found in the Presentations section of the Office of the President page.
Yes, FHSU adheres to a Strategic Plan.
FHSU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.
FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee exists with the goal to improve the university's understanding of the needs and nature of its adjunct faculty and body. More information is available in the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee Bylaws (PDF).
Kansas Board of Regents outlines their social media policy on their website.
Information on university relations can be found on Chapter 8: University Relations in the Handbook.
Information on benefits and obligations can be found in the Faculty Handbook.
The University supports the principles of academic freedom as expressed in the standards of the American Association of University Professors. More information is detailed in Chapter 2: Instructional Procedures of the Handbook.
Information on tuition can be found on FHSU's Admissions page.
Employee contact information can be found on Workday.
FHSU offers a wealth of training for all faculty, adjuncts and FHSU Online faculty included. Teaching Innovation and Learning Technologies (TILT) offers training and support in Blackboard (FHSU's learning management system) and other education technologies. Visit FHSU EdTech Tools Support for more information on the technologies and support offered. In addition, TILT provides training in pedagogical skills through adjunct training courses and other professional development opportunities. Visit the TigerLearn blog for upcoming events to learn more.
Yes, you can find a syllabus template on TigerLearn.
To obtain a Tiger Card, visit the Tiger Card Center in the Memorial Union, Room 208.
In the Faculty Handbook, see page 120: Identification Cards.
Forsyth Library's services can be found on page 30-32 of the Faculty Handbook or on the Faculty Services page of the library website.
FHSU offers support resources for faculty and staff, provided by the Office of Technology Services.
FHSU offers technical training, provided by the Office of Technology Services.
Find information about TigerNetID from TigerTech.
Duo Security is FHSU's mandatory two-factor authentication service that ensures secure access to our services.
Once you have activated your TigerNetID, you can access your Outlook email.
Our E-mail Policy (PDF) outlines the expectations for the use of electronic mail at FHSU.
Fort Hays State University students, faculty, and staff can take advantage of a variety of options to get free and/or discounted software for use on their personal devices.
Shared files on the FHSU server can only be accessed through the GlobalProtect VPN.
FHSU offers a Faculty Development Fund for all types of faculty.
FHSU offers counseling services through Health and Wellness Services.
Students with disabilities must be afforded equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from all FHSU programs. For information on supporting students with accessibility needs, visit Accessilbility Services Faculty Resources page.
An adjunct page on the TigerLearn blog provides up-to-date announcements, important dates, and other information that pertains to adjunct and FHSU Online faculty. The rest of the TigerLearn blog provides other information including recordings of trainings and professional development about Blackboard, educational technology tools, and other faculty development.
FHSU offers the Google Suite to adjuncts, as well as other software.
Semester dates can be found on the academic calendar.
Employee contact information can be found on Workday.
In the Faculty Handbook, see page 157-158: Evaluations of Faculty.
Evaluations can be found on Bluera.
In the Faculty Handbook, see page 91: SALARIES, FHSU Online.
Find your course roster on Workday.
Course levels are outlined on the Academic Policies and Information page provided by the registrar.
View the registrar's Academic Policies and Information page. Additionally, more information can be found in the Faculty Handbook on page 155-156 under Change to Office Enrollment (Add-Withdraw).
View the registrar's Academic Policies and Information page. Additionally, more information can be found in the Faculty Handbook on page 155-156 under Change to Office Enrollment (Add-Withdraw).
Information regarding LDAP is available on the LDAP Resource for Faculty page.
Visit the LDAP Resource for Faculty page, and watch the LDAP Reporting video and read the LDAP Data Submission Aid (PDF) for additional information.
Information regarding FHSU's academic integrity policies can be found by visiting the Academic Misconduct page.
FHSU offers multiple tools to support academic integrity.
Curriculum Management resources are available on Workday.
FHSU uses letter grades in evaluation.
To know when to report grades, view the academic calendar.
Workday is FHSU's student web portal, where students plan and register for courses, explore financial and academic information, and access other online services at FHSU.
Workday provides a list of curriculum management resources.
View page 50 of the Faculty Handbook.
Visit the student records resources page provided by Workday.
For information on the appeal process for undergraduate students, view Grade Appeals, Policies, and Procedures - Undergraduate pages 158-162 of the Faculty Handbook.
For information on the appeals process for graduate students, view Graduate School Appeals Policy page 162 of the Faculty Handbook.
Learn about available technologies with TILT. You can also find information about EdTech tool at Tiger Learn.
Adjunct instructors may participate in course development collaboratively with a full-time faculty member and receive a stipend based on the type of course and extent of participation. All faculty members who develop courses with TILT sign a separate “work for hire” contract that spells out their responsibilities and rights. FHSU retains copyright for courses developed. For more information, view page 29 in the Faculty Handbook and visit TILT's Course Development page.
FHSU uses Blackboard.
Blackboard Support provides information and resources to students, faculty, and staff.
Yes. Learn how to request a Course Copy.
TILT offers an Accessibility Checklist to aid in making courses accessible.
OER stands for Open Educational Resource.
Online Tutoring and the Writing Center both offer student support. Forsyth Library provides Ask A Librarian research help to help students find, evaluate, use, and cite information resources - they can contact a librarian using live chat, email, phone, text, schedule a research appointment or walk-in.
Faculty are encouraged to post information about netiquette and their own netiquette policies in their course syllabi.