Innovation and Research Leave for Faculty
FHSU provides several options for development funding for scholarship and creative activity as these incentives are crucial for promoting innovative teaching, advanced research, and meaningful community service.
Sabbaticals are paid leaves of absence for one or two semesters to pursue scholarly activity is a competitive process evaluated through the Faculty Development Fund. Contact your Department Chair and the Provost's Office for an application. The current FHSU-AAUP Memorandum of Agreement contains the operational guidelines for the administration of these awards. For more information regarding Sabbatical leave, please see the Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook Chapter 5 — Faculty: Leaves, Insurance, and Benefits.
By applying for reassigned time, faculty members can periodically reduce their semester teaching load from four courses to three in order to complete projects. More information can be found in the Faculty and Unclassified Staff Handbook Chapter 5 — Faculty: Leaves, Insurance, and Retirement Benefits: Reassigned Time Policy. Please contact your Chair for support and the appropriate forms.
- Track I reassignment occurs within a department and utilizes a one semester shift of faculty time for the equivalent of one course covered by existing resources.
- Track II reassignment is a competitive application in which the university provides funding to cover the reassignment of usually the equivalent of one course. Applications are available to faculty members each semester.
- CIRP or the Cumulative In-load Reassignments Plan is a Reassigned Time fund that offers release time for faculty who mentor students on research projects outside of their teaching load. The process is similar to the traditional reassigned time procedures with an additional expectation that the faculty would provide a report of the time spent with students on their research. Please contact the office of the Provost for the appropriate forms.
Summer Research and Creative Activity Grant
In lieu of summer teaching, faculty may apply for funds to support work in any of the three following categories: research activity, creative activity, or grant application development. Applications are available through the Office of Research. To compete for funds in this area, discuss your project with your chair and then apply through the online application form when the application is announced.
Please contact the Office of the Provost for complete Sabbatical, Reassigned time, and Summer grant reports.